another one who can't send emails

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mullane
  • Start date Start date


Hiya. All of a sudden a few days ago, I started getting this message:

The connection to the server has failed. Subject '', Account: 'Windows
Mail', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL):
No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Dunno Please!!! Thanks!
Mullane said:
Hiya. All of a sudden a few days ago, I started getting this message:

The connection to the server has failed. Subject '', Account: 'Windows
Mail', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Dunno Please!!! Thanks!

Are you connected to the Internet through Optonline?
Patsy said:
I can't send emails either. What is causing this

Does your connection to the server cross over from one internet provider's
equipment to another's before it reaches the server? This often happens
when using a wireless connection if your computer decides to use a
wireless server instead of yours, and therefore start out through your
neighbor's internet provider. Connections to port 25 with such a crossover
are often blocked to cause problems for spammers. In such a case, you need
to ask your email provider if their outgoing mail server allows you to
through some other port instead, and if so, where to find their instructions
for this. Just trying all the ports is a very slow way to find out, since
are about 65,000 ports available and it's unlikely that more than a few of
them will accept outgoing mail.
I haven't been able to reply or post a new message for some reason all day.
I had to system restore and it finally works (the posting).

So, here's the info:

The "optimum online" is the cable company back in NY. I just moved from
there to CA and am now using Time Warner's cable company, though don't have
an email addy from them. I got my own wireless server when they came to hook
up my cable, as I can't really pick up anyone else's signal anyway. So I'm
not going through someone else's connection, just my own.

Does this answer all of your questions? I'm so frustrated right now. This
all may be moot tomorrow anyway....our cable in NY is being turned off
tomorrow and I don't know if that will affect my email.

I use and I am now having the same problem I cannot send a
email, but I can recevie them. I talked with bellsouth and everything is set
up correctly. I have to get this working. Help!

The connection to the server has failed. Subject '', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
Were you sending from home when that error occurred?

If yes, which third party security programs are you running?
No it first started when I went to CT and connected to my brothers wireless.
Then I figured when I got home It would work, but my wireless is not working
so I am connected to my neighbors right now. I just got off the phone with
belkin and they are sending me a new router. If I connect directly using dsl
do you think it might work?

I am running macafee and have all the things turned off etc. I have been
thru all the docs I have seen posted...
Check if this helps you find suitable instructions:

Also, click on the Outbox, then View, then Current View, then
Show All Messages. If there are any messages in the Outbox,
try moving them to the Drafts folder of deleting them. If any
refuse to do either, download and apply this hotfix, with Windows
Mail not running:

Although it's labelled as for mail stuck in the Outbox, it also
works in other folders. If you don't know whether you have
a 32-bit version of Vista or a 64-bit version, try the hotfix for
the 32-bit version first. The Vista SP1 update includes this
hotfix and more, but takes longer to install.
It will work as long as you are connected to your home ISP (BellSouth).

Sending won't work when connected to a different Internet provider,
for the reason explained here:

When away from your home Internet connection, use one of the
following workarounds:

1. Use webmail for sending (via your browser).
2. Ask your home ISP if they have a port other than '25' for SMTP. I don't think
BellSouth does.
3. Substitute the SMTP server belonging to your away-from-home connection.
This is a bit tricky.
4. If you frequently send from multiple locations, get a free Gmail account,
configure it for POP access, and use it for your sending chores.
Gmail uses port 465 for SMTP, which is not blocked like port 25 is.
Thanks. I am waiting for the new router and hopefully will get connected
again. Yes it does work when I am connected directly to the dsl line.
contact your internet service provider for incoming and outgoing server

The connection to the server has failed.

When checking your email using Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express you may
encounter one of the following error messages:

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL):
No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL):
No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

This error message appears when Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express cannot
establish a connection with the mail server. The most common causes for this
error are:

Your email configuration is incorrect.
You have firewall/Internet security software on your computer which is
blocking access to your mail server.
Your Internet service provider has blocked access to email services not on
their network.

First turn off your computer and your modem, wait 30 seconds then turn these
devices back on again and retry. If you experience the same error please
read on.

Next confirm that your email settings are correct.
Can you browse webpages? If not disable any firewall/Internet security
software on your system.
Firewall and security software can also block your access to your mail
server, this can be confirmed by disabling your security software.
This can usually be done by right clicking on your firewall's system tray
icon and select the appropiate options to disable/turn off your firewalling
software - For more information, see your software documentation.
If you are running Microsoft Windows XP - You will need to confirm that the
WindowsXP firewall is not currently enabled.
Recreate the email account.
Some Internet service providers block access to email servers not located on
their network. SBC is one of the mostly widely used providers known to do
If your ISP does block email access, you will not lose your ability to use
your domain email address. You will however, need to replace the outgoing
mail server in your email settings with the outgoing server name provided by
the ISP you are connected with.