another guy with Sidewinder ff Wheel's problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter marione
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I bought a microsoft sidewinder force feedback wheel (gameport

It work fine under windows 98/ME.
Now under XP it don't work fine.

Windows XP recognize the wheel driver, but force feedback work wrong
and i do to disable it.

There is a mode to use force feedback in xp?

Hi Marione,

I am not sure I understand what is wrong so I will just give you some
information to work with and hope it covers it. :)

The gameport force feedback devices can be messed up easily if there is
more then one gameport in the system. Disabling an onboard gameport is
usually sufficient to fix this. Some gameports are just not very good.

Sometimes it is necessary to get a sound card by a reputable
manufacturer. Remember to disable any existing onboard gameports if you add
another one to the system.

If you want to adjust the level of forces in Windows XP you have to use
these instructions since the software that usually handles this doesn't
operate on Win NT systems.

Reducing device default force levels:

There is a value that Dinput writes in the registry that keeps track of
how hard the forces should be applied to a device. The range of values it
takes is from 0 to 10000. If the driver has told Dinput to set the force
level at the default (10000) then the registry key is deleted. This is why
the key doesn't exist on your system.

1. Open the Registry editor
2. Navigate to the following key:
3. In the right pane of the editor right click and create a new "DWORD
4. Make the name of the value Joystick##FFConfiguration, replacing the "##"
with the same number as seen in the Joystick#Configuration key. If you have
more than one joystick device this can be tricky, but in your case it is
almost sure to be 1. e.g. Joystick1FFConfiguration
5. Right Click the Joystick#FFConfiguration and choose Modify.
6. Set the value to something between 0 and 10000 Decimal. Depending on the
device values lower than about 2500 may not be felt at all. 10000 is the
default and represents 100% force strength. 5000 is probably a good point to
start. That would be 50% strength.
7. Try your game to see if the force level is better for you. If so close
the editor.

Let me know if that didn't help.

Joshua Smith
OpenGL Test Lab