OK - this is fairly easy to do.
Open the form in design view. Right click on the combo box and select
Properties from the menu.
Click on Data tab. Click in Row Source box, and type the following:
SELECT [chairs ID], [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName] & " " & [TitleID] AS
FN FROM employees;
Click in Control Source box and select chairs ID from dropdown list (this
assumes that your form is bound to a record source that contains the
WatchResults table).
Click in Bound Column box and type number 1 there.
Click on Format tab. Click in Column Count box and type 2. Click in Column
Widths box and type the following:
Save the form.
Should work for you now.
Ken Snell
Ty said:
Ok.. So now I am confused. But this is simply what I want. If you cuold help
me construct the code to make this happen, i would appreciate it; for i am
very unfamilar with Access. I have a combo box called cboEmp. That combo box
should display, when both closed and open, a combination of LastName + ',' +
FirstName + ' ' + TitleID. However, when a certain record is selected in this
drop down, I want the chairs ID to be stored into the WatchResults table. How
do i do this? Thanks for your help.