-----Original Message-----
Does anyone know how can I add another email address for
users in Active Directory? Is this possible?
Thanks very, very much!
This is very possible. YOu simply go to the user's
account, open it and add a second ( and third and fourth )
e-mail address. You would choose SMTP as the type.
For example, if my user name were cshultz and things were
set up by default in Exchange my e-mail address would be
(e-mail address removed). Let's say that I wanted
(e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed)
and (e-mail address removed) to also be valid e-mail
addresses AND that I wanted the (e-mail address removed)
to be my primary e-mail address ( meaning, when I replied
to an e-mail that you sent me you would see this address ).
Simply add those three e-mail addresses and then click on
the (e-mail address removed) address and click on the Set
as Primary... button. Also, if you do this then you
should probably uncheck the little check box in the lower
left corner...