Another day at ... Martin Mere


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Another good day out again for me & me sister ... I took nearly 300 pictures. :D

Here is one shot of our "pic of the day" and you can see a few more of this Kestel in the gallery.

... if anyone would like to see/view the other 250 pics, PM me an email address and I'll send you a link to my private Picasa Album ... be warned, all I did was upload the bloody lot, untouched, unedited, so you'll see the good, bad & the damn site ugly's that should have been deleted.

Still practicing with me camera, still havin fun ... :D

Damm bird still looks happier than you :)

great pic mucks
They're good pics Mucks :thumb: and what an obliging kestrel to pose for you like that ;)
Nice pics mate .

A fine bird, the Kestrel, reminding me of when I worked cross country on pipelines, often saw em hovering over fields before plunging down. Bye bye Mr Mouse :D

Good pix :thumb:
He's a plump one isn't he, obviously very good at plunging down on the meeses..:nod:
I greatly enjoyed the slideshow Mucks :thumb: You have certainly got quite a lot of "notches" on your camera in a short time ;) I'm impressed that you were able to get some of the little long-tailed-tits because they dart about quite quickly (always seem to be such "busy" little birds.) You have some good ones of the woodpecker and great to see a pheasant - beautiful colours on him. You're fortunate to have such a great place as Martin Mere fairly close to home, it looks like a really nice place.

Those mesh-covered bird-tables are a jolly good idea, after studying your pics closely, we're wondering if we could make one for our garden - just as a bit of extra protection for the smaller birds and as the mesh doesn't restrict the view very much at all.

Thank you for sharing :D
Thanks TC, you can right-click and save any of your favorites pics, if you haven't already, copyright wavered. ;) :D

Several of those "bird tables" are scattered throughout Martin Mere. They are easy for the staff to maintain and are generally re-filled everyday. They suffer in the rain, so need 'cleaning' often, although the ground feeders enjoy cleaning time.

We were at our particular favorite 'Hide' which has two of these tables ... the one on the right of the hide is very close, no need for 'noculars, great for camera work to.

Traditional bird tables have that silly 'house' on top of a basic platform, this is used to stop the bigger birds ... the mesh is a better idea in places like MM and Mere Sands Wood.

At Mere Sands Wood, they have one floating on the lake. It is very close to the reads and land, for easy refilling, but open enough for all to see the birdies. The Moorhens & Coots go nuts trying to get at the food. You don't 'need' to use a pole, simple place it on the ground. Why not make two. :D

It is an idea I am toying with for my windowsill, just a simple 'table' that I can add a bit of mesh and a couple of feeders on poles.

I found THIS not that I think you need it, but it may help ... nice-n-simple. ;)

I'm pleased you enjoyed my pics.

Oh thank you for that link Mucks - now that looks very similar to our old bird-table, which we "designed" and built ourselves. It lasted for years, but recently collapsed after rotting at the very bottom. At present we have a lot of hanging feeders (similar to your sister's) and some little table feeders which attatch to the same hanging-poles (courtesy of the local garden centre.) We want to replace the bigger one though.

We too like to keep things pretty simple, so have never gone in for those very elaborate jobbies with the "roofs" etc., It's possible to purchase the ready-made mesh covers, so we shall probably do that, but make the wooden base, etc., ourselves.

Thank you also for waving your copyright ;) I would rather like to "pinch" a pic or two if you wouldn't mind :thumb: I loved the Martin Mere landscape - and that woodpecker! He has character :D
Great ... you must get your camera into action. ;)

On the subject of the woodpecker, there are actually three different individuals, as you may 'see' in the break between woodpecker shots ... one is a female :thumb: not easy to see as they all knew we were watching and cleverly hid on the other side of the peanut feeder. The female Greater Spotted has no red spot on the back of the head, apart from that, they are almost indistinguishable. Then you probably already knew that. :D

I'll take some more landscapes for you on me next visit, which is going to be around a fortnight away ... sister & co are all off on a short break this Friday, so no free ride for me this weekend. :( Will have to find somewhere closer. :D

I have a few of Mere Sands Wood, if you like, I'll send you an invite to view. I warn you again though, I was just practicing with the camera. It was the first day I had out with it. :thumb:

Enjoy! :user:
Oh more goodies! Thank you Mucks, the mere Sands Wood pics are great! :thumb: we have just had a most enjoyable tea-break slide-show, "touring" the hides with you :) it must be a wonderful place for viewing so many different water-loving species. Were those little ducks (with wee pony tails) the goldeneye? I remember seeing some at St Fagan's, but that was ages ago, so not certain if memory is letting me down.

Ooh and yes please, I will look forward to another landscape or two, the ones you have already taken look really good, all those tree-reflections, etc., make my fingers itch to grab a paintbrush again... however, not too many opportunities to paint just now as I'm a bit busy with other things. One of these days though..... ;)

I think you did jolly well if that was your first "go" with your new camera, some awfully good pictures there :nod:
Nice pictures Mr Mucks.:thumb:
You take some nice pictures.

PS: They used to have a budget brand of beer/larger called Kestrel.:o
Often was in the bargain bucket area of Lidl 4 for £1, it was ropey as hell.