Another Banner Question


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I do hope that Potguy will not mind if I quote him, but in his own thread - next-door - he asks "Why is my banner showing the wrong stuff?" V_R's reply was "you're only displaying your BOINC stats not your WCG stats."

I understand what that means (because I've checked out the BOINC and WCG websites) but I see that Potguy has now managed to get his banner stat figures to tally with his daily stats..... my question is how please?

For the past few days I have tried to solve this for myself.... but as you can see, I've not managed to. What is the "secret" please, (it's bound to be something simple that I've managed to overlook :o ) But now it's bugging me more than an Inspector Morse mystery!! :D Thank you for reading.
Hi TC, you need to select the 'World Community Grid (nonBOINC)' check box for your WCG points. :)
Oh thank you V_R but last time I tried that, it told me that my user name was invalid :( Can't think why, because I only have the one :) I shall try again now though, just in case it was only a glitch at the time of trying:nod:
Just tried again, and it is still telling me that my username is invalid :mad: stamping foot and throwing rattle out of pram :lol:
Hmmmm.... I switched computers, and voilá! :thumb: Thank you for your help V_R it was much appreciated :D
Now I think I'd better go clear the browser cache on the other PC :nod: