Another ADSL question


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hi guys, I was just wondering, when my adsl connection is activated, will existing emails in Outlook Expressed still be there...? I am thinking that they will, but would like to just confirm that if I could.

Is there anything that you can think of that I should specifically be backing-up which is likely to be affected by the ISP switch please?

Sorry it's a bit of a naff question, :o but it is so long ago since I last changed providers, that I cannot remember what changed :lol:

Thank you for looking
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Emails in OE are stored on your PC so you are OK - you shouldn't need to backup anything, all that you will need to do is use the new username and password provided by the ISP to get access.
Ahh, thank you Ady :D I thought that might be so, but always nice to have it confirmed :thumb: