A couple of weeks ago I left a message on this board abut my A7N8X failing to
boot. A couple of you were king enough to make a few suggestions. in short,
when fitted with an XP 2200+ and all the other items to make a new computer,
the board would not boot. Eventually I stripped it down and took out the cpu.
Only at this stage did I get a message - not cpu found. I put it back together
bit by bit, but got no messages and no boot.
So I sent the board back and got a replacement. I now have it and have
installed a Duron 1800 this time. Still no boot. so I changed the power unit.
Still no signs of life other than the green board led which lights up and the
fans run. I can't hear the hard disk start, but there is a led light on the CD
I feel like chucking this board in the bin. I have never had this sort of
trouble before.
Any help will be very gratefully received.
boot. A couple of you were king enough to make a few suggestions. in short,
when fitted with an XP 2200+ and all the other items to make a new computer,
the board would not boot. Eventually I stripped it down and took out the cpu.
Only at this stage did I get a message - not cpu found. I put it back together
bit by bit, but got no messages and no boot.
So I sent the board back and got a replacement. I now have it and have
installed a Duron 1800 this time. Still no boot. so I changed the power unit.
Still no signs of life other than the green board led which lights up and the
fans run. I can't hear the hard disk start, but there is a led light on the CD
I feel like chucking this board in the bin. I have never had this sort of
trouble before.
Any help will be very gratefully received.