Another 9/11 conspiracy theory

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Jan 4, 2003
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Most of you like myself will remain sceptical, This is quite compelling however

I suggest you watch until the end
I think he might have been smoking something to come out with a comment like all footage had been doctored to ad planes after. I suppose all the people who saw it with their own eyes were then brainwashed into believing that planes hit the buildings.

Anyway my opinion is that it was done by the American government and was not a terrorist attack.
If it was ever to come out that it was a conspiracy within the America government I'm quite sure another revolution would take place and all hell would be the outcome

Nevertheless It was a tragic loss of thousands of lives
Add the death of Kennedy & the Moon Landings and your be telling Elvis is alive too!
Conspiracy theorists - worthy of nerd status for sure.

So what's next? David Cameron arranges for a couple of airliners to fly into the Canada Tower at Canary Wharf and the Shard and blames it on them pesky Muslims?

I know a lot of deep down questionable crap goes down by all Governments and especially the US Government but destroying it's own Twin Towers and taking all those lives just to raise feeling against Al Qeda?

Get a life you people, and give your anoraks to the charity shop.
I never said I believed it. I said it was interesting
Each has their own opinion lets leave it at that shall we
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This is one of those subjects that's likely to provoke a reaction similar to those often expressed by religion or politics, I think. I must confess that I reacted perhaps more strongly than I should have, particularly as I'm supposed to be here partly to keep the peace ;)

However, that's Tony speaking, not Flops the Mod, and it is something I feel strongly about. There are many mischief makers throughout the world and the Internet is an ideal channel for them. With the use of trickery, editing and chicanery I'm sure you could convince a lot of people that black was white and the world was flat.

I honestly don't believe much of what I see on the net and certainly take everything with a huge pinch of salt.

I've made my views known, so be it. I considered closing this thread but that may have been seen as hypocrisy on my part if I did, so I'll leave it. That's not to say that a Mod in a more neutral position might think to do otherwise...
I thought very long, and very hard ... but I'll leave it open for one more comment.

then I'll close it! :user:
If you two hitlers wanna close this thread just do it ffs

So much for everyone being able to post with open minds
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