Another 80072efd with Live Messenger problem!!!!! sfutrell

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Replies are welcome!!! Can someone figure out what’s going on....I ran
Fiddler and it says that MSN is refusing the Connection from this

I have had Windows XP Home for quite a long time...I have had Messenger 7.5
since it came out...A couple of month ago I upgraded my Messenger to 8.1 beta
on all six computers in my house..It worked on everyone but one which is them
main computer I use in my home office. I could not logon to Windows Live
Messenger because I keep getting the 80072efd error. So I finally went back
to 7.5 on that computer because I just didn't have time to troubleshoot
Microsoft's problems for them.

Now fast forward to today....Microsoft forces everyone to upgrade there MSN
Messenger to Live Messenger 8.1 but they didn't fix the 80072efd
those of us (and I am sure there is a lot of us) who have this problem are
just out of luck...It does not matter that we have gotten everyone in our
company on it and it is now a vital communications link...and don't say I can
just go to Microsoft for help...they just tell me that there IS a charge
unless I want to go the manufacture that I bought the computer from...oh
yea...and if I do go to the manufacture, I just get someone in India that
cannot spell MSN..

The "80072efd error" simply means it can't connect to the service. There's nothing to fix
per se as it's just a general connectivity error.

Here are some suggestions you should check/try if you haven't already.

1. The date on your computer needs to be set properly -- double click the clock in the
notification area and verify that the time and date are set correctly.
3. If you use a firewall (like ZoneAlarm, Norton Internet Security etc. ), it's possible
that Messenger doesn't have the correct rights to access the Internet, especially since you
upgraded. You may need to re/add Messenger to the allowed list of programs in your firewall
if this is the case.
3. If you disabled your firewall in the past, it still may be blocking Messenger -- try
restarting it and see if that helps the situation. You also might try uninstalling an
installed firewall, to verify that it isn't causing a problem (even if it is disabled).
4. Click Start, then Run, and enter the following:
regsvr32 softpub.dll
then click OK
and do the same for the following:
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 MSXML3.dll

Finally, if that doesn't work, you can actually downgrade to the updated 7.0 version. To do
so, download from here:

Then you'll need to engage compatibility mode so it doesn't force you to upgrade. To do so,
go to the \Program files\MSN Messenger folder, right click on the msnmsgr.exe file, choose
Properties, then the Compatibility tab, choose Windows 2000, click OK and then run Messenger
as per normal.

Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Live Messenger/MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2006 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.