Replies are welcome!!! Can someone figure out what’s going on....I ran
Fiddler and it says that MSN is refusing the Connection from this
I have had Windows XP Home for quite a long time...I have had Messenger 7.5
since it came out...A couple of month ago I upgraded my Messenger to 8.1 beta
on all six computers in my house..It worked on everyone but one which is them
main computer I use in my home office. I could not logon to Windows Live
Messenger because I keep getting the 80072efd error. So I finally went back
to 7.5 on that computer because I just didn't have time to troubleshoot
Microsoft's problems for them.
Now fast forward to today....Microsoft forces everyone to upgrade there MSN
Messenger to Live Messenger 8.1 but they didn't fix the 80072efd error...so
those of us (and I am sure there is a lot of us) who have this problem are
just out of luck...It does not matter that we have gotten everyone in our
company on it and it is now a vital communications link...and don't say I can
just go to Microsoft for help...they just tell me that there IS a charge
unless I want to go the manufacture that I bought the computer from...oh
yea...and if I do go to the manufacture, I just get someone in India that
cannot spell MSN..
Fiddler and it says that MSN is refusing the Connection from this
I have had Windows XP Home for quite a long time...I have had Messenger 7.5
since it came out...A couple of month ago I upgraded my Messenger to 8.1 beta
on all six computers in my house..It worked on everyone but one which is them
main computer I use in my home office. I could not logon to Windows Live
Messenger because I keep getting the 80072efd error. So I finally went back
to 7.5 on that computer because I just didn't have time to troubleshoot
Microsoft's problems for them.
Now fast forward to today....Microsoft forces everyone to upgrade there MSN
Messenger to Live Messenger 8.1 but they didn't fix the 80072efd error...so
those of us (and I am sure there is a lot of us) who have this problem are
just out of luck...It does not matter that we have gotten everyone in our
company on it and it is now a vital communications link...and don't say I can
just go to Microsoft for help...they just tell me that there IS a charge
unless I want to go the manufacture that I bought the computer from...oh
yea...and if I do go to the manufacture, I just get someone in India that
cannot spell MSN..