Another 24/7 crunching machine... hopefully!


Feb 23, 2002
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I might have a new machine that can start crunching soon. My dad's old PC went wonky a couple of months ago, and replacing all of the obvious bits didn't manage to fix it.

There may be enough bits there to cobble together a new machine which I'll set up for him as a server with some parts I already have, which should be an extra machine for the cause :) (I think its the motherboard, so I'll replace that with a cheap one from ebay, switch all of the good bits into his new PC, and wack a bit of ram and a small hard drive in there!).

Must have swapped everything apart from the motherboard so I hope its that ;) Got a cheap mobo on its way so will give it a test when I'm next back home!
Always pleased to see a new 'cruncher' to the cause.


* eBay ... DOH! *