Anonomiser With Norton

May 17, 2005
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Hello Everybody.
I was wondering if someone would be able to tell me whether I would be able to use an anonomiser with Norton Internet Security?

My system seems to be quite slow and I think that if I could use an anonomiser, then it would prevent people hacking.

Let me know your thoughts
AJButler said:
Hello Everybody.
I was wondering if someone would be able to tell me whether I would be able to use an anonomiser with Norton Internet Security?
Yes you can ... but why?

... then it would prevent people hacking.
No, it would not.

Let me know your thoughts
What I'm thinking is against forum guidlines to print.

Are you saying that you believe your system is slow because people are trying to hack your system? - I wouldn't have thought that would be the case.

As long as your firewall is ensuring your ports are stealthed you shouldn't really have a problem with hackers anyway, and therefore there is no need for an anonomiser.
Ok. I was thinking that spyware was the same as hacking.

I think that I will just re-format my pc and see if that helps speed my computer up.

My Norton is up for renewal in June. Is this the best for Internet Security and Antivirus? I have been advised by someone that Panda is better than Norton, as Norton is renowned for slowing your system down?
The number one spot for "paid for" AV goes to KAV

The number one spot for FREE AV goes to AntiVir

... these programs are NOT designed to "catch" Spyware ... though they will stop some Trojans and Worms.

You will NEED to invest in at least 2-3 anti-spyware programs also ... I suggest, SpywareBlaster, AdAwareSE and MS Windows Defender ... get them here

A nice little Free program for tidying up is CCleaner ... :thumb:

All the above will offer, at best, 75% protection ... you have to exercise your own caution for the other 25%

Thanks for that. I will give them a go! I don't suppose you know anything about Visual Basic do you? My company is going to pay for me to go on a course to learn it, but I need to find the course myself. I don't suppose you know of any good online courses that you can work thorugh at your own pace, as I will be doing a lot of travelling to Poland this year to open up a Factory over there?
Sorry, can't help with VB ... I have enough trouble with English.

Yep, its a great little utility - have you got your system speeded up now?
Yes. It is a lot faster to startup and shut down and also, noticablely quicker running too.
Thanks again, will recommend to others!
I don't suppose you know where I could get a cheap legit copy of Visual Basic 6.0?