annoying vista attributes

  • Thread starter Thread starter BH2
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Hi Guys,
is there anyway to stop vista keep asking me if I am sure I want to do
Thanks for you advice
Bob H
BH2 said:
Hi Guys,
is there anyway to stop vista keep asking me if I am sure I want to do
Thanks for you advice
Bob H

Yeah, format the hard disk and install either XP or Ubuntu (or both as a
dual boot).

Check Ubuntu out at It's free and comes with access to
over 24,000 free programs.

BH2 said:
Hi Guys,
is there anyway to stop vista keep asking me if I am sure I want to do
Thanks for you advice
Bob H

It never asks that question.
If the question it asks is 'If you started this action . . ." then it
really means "If *YOU* started this action . . .", that is to say was
it you that started the potentially insecure action rather than some
unknown nasty.

Alias said:
Yeah, format the hard disk and install either XP or Ubuntu (or both as a
dual boot).

Check Ubuntu out at It's free and comes with access to
over 24,000 free programs.

Alias your panties all in a bunch cause you're too stupid and
broke to use Vista?...LOL!
Get lost you lying linux troll!
Frank said: your panties all in a bunch cause you're too stupid and
broke to use Vista?...LOL!

Not all, liar. I have Vista Ultimate sitting on a shelf gathering dust.
Get lost you lying linux troll!

Considering that you're the troll, you're the one who should get lost.

Alias said:
Yeah, format the hard disk and install either XP or Ubuntu (or both as a
dual boot).

Check Ubuntu out at It's free and comes with access to
over 24,000 free programs.


Yea, 24,000 programs and 23,995 don't work worth a shit and the other 5
don't work with the majority of programs in the real world. Ubuntu is
written by geeks for geeks who can't get laid.

Imagine, Ubuntu is FREE and NOBODY wants it. That should tell you all you
need to know about that piece of shit Ubuntu. Let the boys play with their
toys and to get real work done, use something with some BEEF. Windows.
Bill said:
Yea, 24,000 programs and 23,995 don't work worth a shit and the other 5
don't work with the majority of programs in the real world. Ubuntu is
written by geeks for geeks who can't get laid.

Imagine, Ubuntu is FREE and NOBODY wants it. That should tell you all you
need to know about that piece of shit Ubuntu. Let the boys play with their
toys and to get real work done, use something with some BEEF. Windows.

Anyone who has used Ubuntu knows you're lying, even you. Do you like
being known as a liar or what?

Alias said:
Anyone who has used Ubuntu knows you're lying, even you. Do you like being
known as a liar or what?


What you really meant: Anybody who has used Ubuntu has realized with a day
or two, that Ubuntu is really crap and can't run any of the programs that
would produce results. So the user then removes Ubuntu and reinstalls
Windows then says, "Damn, I am so glad to get that piece of Shit Ubuntu off
my machine"