Annoying sound issue


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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Firstly, my apologies for submitting a very lame question... but it's really bugging me!

For some (unknown) reason, each time I have to shut-down my PC, I find that the sound system goes awry when I re-start it. (This has only been happening since I gave the tower a good spring-clean recently, but I did not dislodge any connectors during the process, as you'll see from the next bit....)

I get a message telling me that "Windows cannot play sounds, because it has all been disabled, would I like to enable sounds now?" Yes, of course I would! However, enabling sounds again still leaves me with anomalies.

For example, I can play videos/music etc., but I cannot get the usual "ding-dong" sound for new mail.... instead, I get a system-beep coming from the tower.

I've gone over sound settings - the relevant ones are all still enabled. I've tried re-setting them... but still I get that dratted beep instead of the preferred sound.

Last time this happened, (about a week ago) I went over settings etc., and the correct sounds all started to work again..... but this time, it hasn't worked. I know I must be missing something very simple, but I think I need a nudge to remind me of what that might be.

Would really appreciate some help please. Thanks for reading :D
Is this onboard sound? Whatever it is, download latest sound software then delete current sound drivers/software from Control Panel. Then install new drivers software.

Also, disconnect machine from mains, access motherboard, and push down firmly but gently on all IC's (chips) as one of them will be your sound IC (integrated circuit) and you may have partially dislodged it during clean.

And you've probably done this but make sure memory is seated firmly in slots and all internal cables are pushed fully home.
Oops, sorry Flopps, I omitted to mention the sounds I selected are Microsoft .wav, rather than the defaults.

I'm thinking that you've probably got it in one regarding checking-over the connectors. Tbh, because all looked to be okay visually, I failed to actually test that they were all firmly seated. Very dumb of me (...taking myself off to the naughty-step and blushing hotly.)

Will try this first, (a little later on, when I have more time,) because as mentioned, prior to my cleaning activities, all was functioning perfectly well. Doh! It's obvious really, now that I see it in print!! Lol

Thanks for replying, much appreciated. :D
Good luck. Thinking about it, most IC's now are surface mounted, that is, soldered to motherboard rather than sitting in a socket. Still, wouldn't hurt to give 'em a push. As you say, probably a partly dislodged cable.
I've got my mail ding-dong chime back! Yay!

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back on this, but in the end, I didn't actually close the computer down fully, until today... usual thing, I got sidetracked, as you do... Ended-up giving some cupboards a really good sort-out... but I digress.

Anyway, I checked over connections inside the tower. Found one slightly wiggly one, and gave the others a gentle press too, (just for good measure.) It appears to have worked. It's great to lose that annoying little beep and get back to normal again.

So once again, thank you Sir Floppington. :cheers::thumb: