I've been working on this for a few days and it's annoying the crap
out of me. I have a form that has a listbox bound to a query and 5 or
so fields. The listbox is bound to a query and lists the names of all
the clients in the system. When you click on a name in the listbox
the fields on the form (Name, address, birthdate, etc) all autofill
using a macro in the AfterUpdate on the listbox.
This all works perfectly.
Now I want to put a button on the page that will run and export a
parameter query with the parameter being the ClientID number. The
Client ID number is one of the fields that autopopulates on the for,
but I can't for the life of me get the query to run filtered to the ID
number that is selected from the listbox.
Can anyone help me?
p.s. on anothe form I have the name list and I have other queries in
different listboxes on the form. It would be GREAT if those queries
would also requery when a name is clicked in the listbox
out of me. I have a form that has a listbox bound to a query and 5 or
so fields. The listbox is bound to a query and lists the names of all
the clients in the system. When you click on a name in the listbox
the fields on the form (Name, address, birthdate, etc) all autofill
using a macro in the AfterUpdate on the listbox.
This all works perfectly.
Now I want to put a button on the page that will run and export a
parameter query with the parameter being the ClientID number. The
Client ID number is one of the fields that autopopulates on the for,
but I can't for the life of me get the query to run filtered to the ID
number that is selected from the listbox.
Can anyone help me?
p.s. on anothe form I have the name list and I have other queries in
different listboxes on the form. It would be GREAT if those queries
would also requery when a name is clicked in the listbox