Annoying new "whistle"


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I have a set of JBL Duet stereo speakers connected to my Vista rig. They are probably a couple of years old now, but sound good and are perfectly adequate for the computing environment here - i.e., small room! ;) (This kind HERE.)

Just recently - only for a few days - I've noticed an annoying, just audible, "whistle" coming over the speakers. It is pretty steady, but with an occasional break of a second or so. Not "pulsing" exactly, but..... heck, it's difficult to describe!

Trying to eliminate possible causes: we have no new electrical devices, everything which is currently plugged-in, is the same as it was, before the whistle ever began. Electrical/electronic components have not been moved around to different positions. (The only thing on standby in here, is the radio/cd player... but it hasn't been moved, or anything like that, and is older than the JBLs, so has never troubled them before.) Yet I'm thinking that it has to be some kind of "feedback" from somewhere? :confused:

The XP rig which Terry normally uses, also has exactly the same speaker set-up. They are fine, no whistles at all...... so thinking this might be narrowing down to a little problem within my Vista machine(?) If so, what should I try to test do you think?
Not quite certain where to begin. Any ideas please guys?

Thank you for reading :D
Swap the two sets of speakers.

Then you'll know if it's speakers or rig. :thumb:
What Nivrip said, that's the first thought that came to mind.

It's just as likely to be a software fault as hardware.
Thank you for the replies Niv and Flopps :thumb:

I have just tried unplugging the speakers from the PC and plugged them into my Zen MP3 player... they worked fine, with no whistle.

Couldn't swap them with the other speakers right now, (because I need to move the desk, etc., to be able to get at the rear of the XP tower... :rolleyes: ) could give it a go tomorrow though, if you don't think the MP3 test is sufficient :nod:

Since plugging back in to the PC, they have resumed whistling.

I checked over sound settings, but I've not altered anything recently, so didn't discover anything "obvious"...well, not to me, that is :)
Try uninstalling the sound software (sound card or motherboard onboard sound?) downloading latest drivers and installing them.

It looks likely the loudspeakers are ok and you have a software/computer sound device fault.
I did some checking and my onboard sound is just "High Definition Audio Device" which came with the build. But anyway, I looked in "Devices" and clicked for it to check for new drivers. After a few moments, it came back with
"The best driver softfware for your device is already installed
Windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date."
Probably don't need to mention the obvious, that I'm a tad green on this subject :o

For a little while, I thought that the problem had resolved itself with a re-start, performed earlier today. But no, still there, but quieter, for some reason.

Could it be dust? Both rigs are due for a good "Dyson-ing" ..... okay, just thought I'd ask :)
Unlikely to be dust, possibly a dry solder joint on the audio out socket which is not a repair to tackle if you're not sure how to do it.

Sounds like it's onboard sound you have.

If you have some software installed for the sound device, see if you can adjust which socket the 'sound out' comes out of, some setups allow you to swap sockets.
Aha!! My dear Holmes... I spotted this yesterday when poking about, so I believe it might be what you're referring to(?)


I shall try your suggestion , thank you :D
Spent a while beneath the desk yesterday, trying out different jacks... the grey one, the orange one, etc... but no matter which I tried, the speakers will only work through the nice green one!

The "jack information" pictured above, didn't help, because when I enabled the other jack options, the speakers would not operate.

The whistle doesn't seem to be so noisy today... but I think it might be because I'm getting used to it.

Thanks again for the suggestions :D
I think the only way you're going to find where the fault lies is to swap your speakers about.

Or, perhaps more convenient, plug a set of headphones into the green socket and see if the whistle is on the headphones.

If there is it means the speakers are ok (they played ok on mp3 player, remember) and consider a sound card and disabling onboard sound in the bios.

I may even have a sound card you can have for free, lemme go take a look...

*rummage rummage, clutter, rustle, pause...

Yes I have. I have a Creative Audigy 2 you can have for the postage price if you want, just ask, I may already have your address if not - and you'd like the card - PM me.

I also have a more lowly Creative CT4810 which is probably about 12 years old.
Taffycat said:


..., thank you :D
Please press the advanced button and tell me what you see ;)

Please also press properties/drivers and tell me what you see :)

I've heard graphics card whistles, but never speakers, however, I am a wee bit deaf. :user:


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Sorry to have taken so long to reply, but I was "afk" after my last "communication" yesterday. :o

Wow Flopps, that is such a kind offer! Thank you muchly for rummaging!! lol If you're absolutely sure you don't need it as a standby yourself, then I'd be very happy to accept, ( if Mr Mucks is not about to discover that I have somehow got my settings in a twist, that is. ;))

I tried plugging-in headphones and heard the same "whistle." There is also another sound coming through the speakers (and headphones,) which can only be described as a quiet "purr." (No, cats are all accounted for ;) ) Rather like the old-fashioned dial telephones - remember the "prrrr" sound you'd hear, after moving the dial around?

Neither of the sounds are audible when playing music, or video, etc., only when there is silence. Weird eh?

Mr Mucks, here are the "advanced tab" and driver info windows. (I did, btw, try to update the drivers, but as mentioned above, came up with ziltch.)



Thank you both :D
sorry gall, they not the correct sound drivers for your card ... can you please tell me all the info you can about your motherboard ... this is the easy choice, or

... check windows update, use the custom button, and see if there are any "driver" updates, or, use something like Belarc Advisor to tell you so you can go search for the correct drivers for your sound card. ;)

muckshifter said:
sorry gall, they not the correct sound drivers for your card ... can you please tell me all the info you can about your motherboard ...

Ooh! :eek: Certainly didn't know that. Here are details I took from SWF a couple of days ago, is this enough? Can find more if needed.

Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer INC.
Version: 1.XX
Serial Number ***********

North Bridge NVIDIA nForce 570 SLI Revision A1
South Bridge NVIDIA nForce 570 SLI Revision A1
CPU AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+
Cpu Socket Socket AM2 (940)

System Slots 7 PCI

Edit: Just adding more info (from the Belarc download.)

Bus Clock: 200 megahertz
BIOS: Phoenix Technologies, LTD ASUS M2N-SLI DELUXE ACPI BIOS Revision 0903 02/13/2007
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and finally we get to

that is the sound drivers for that MB using win Vista 32bits

If whistle persists, new speakers don't work and MB is out of guarantee, take FBS up on his offer


1st rule of computing ... reboot

2nd rule of computing ... drivers, drivers, check for drivers

3rd rule of computing ... blame Microsoft



the full description of your sound card/onboard sound is a;

Oh thank you Mucks!! I shall go and check that out now :thumb:

Um.. the links all lead to the same page, I'm guessing the website "clears" your input each time, but now that I know what I'm looking for, I can seek it out :nod:

Will let you know what happens :D
Each time I try to install the new driver software, Vista tells me:

The best driver software for your device is already installed -
Windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date.

The really funny thing, is that the whistle has stopped! I think I must be making it feel nervous :D
I have that motherboard but I'm using a Creative X-Fi Audio sound card with it.

I always check the Asus site for new drivers and never ever rely on the MS update facility for advice and installation.

If all is well, this is good.

If it happens again and you still want or need the soundcard, PM me with your name and address.

Until then I shall put it back in it's box.