Like Alt+Tab, Win+Tab should cycle through the windows in the taskbar
starting with the first; instead, it starts at the second. This has been a
problem for as long as I can remember (back through Win 98, maybe Win 95).
This is all I have installed:
Windows XP Pro
Office 2003
Visual Studio .NET 2003
Acrobat 6 (full)
QuickTime 6
Flash Player
AVG Antivirus (free edition)
Java SDK 1.4.2
All Windows Updates (incl. non-criticals)
It was one of these that caused the problem, and I'm betting it's Office or
one of the Windows Updates. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and Happy
New Years!
starting with the first; instead, it starts at the second. This has been a
problem for as long as I can remember (back through Win 98, maybe Win 95).
This is all I have installed:
Windows XP Pro
Office 2003
Visual Studio .NET 2003
Acrobat 6 (full)
QuickTime 6
Flash Player
AVG Antivirus (free edition)
Java SDK 1.4.2
All Windows Updates (incl. non-criticals)
It was one of these that caused the problem, and I'm betting it's Office or
one of the Windows Updates. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and Happy
New Years!