Blinky the Shark
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Blinky said:Message-ID: [email protected]
Spoon2001 said:Blinky the Shark wrote:
That message ID appears as a clickable link in OE, and when I click on
it, I get a Compose Mail window. Exactly what should happen when I
click on the
That message ID appears as a clickable link in OE, and when I
click on it, I get a Compose Mail window. Exactly what should
happen when I click on the link? I would be interested in reading
a post with that subject.
When I put the Message ID into Google, Google gave me only
Blinky's post.
»Q« said:MIDs are not URLs, and programs can only guess whether they might be
MIDs or e-mail addies, as the formats are the same. They can be
turned into URLs, though. Try clicking
news:[email protected].
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]That's what'll happen if you use the main Google Groups
search box, since Google will just look for that string in the bodies
of messages. If you want to find a post by MID, you have to go to the
advanced group search page.
That ass-umes (makes an ass out of u and me) that that is the
default newsgroup server
That ass-umes (makes an ass out of u and me) that that is the default
newsgroup server.
That was OE-Quotefix that removed the angle brackets. But even when I
click on the bracketed link, still OE pops up a send mail window with
the MID in the To: field. Maybe OE is broken, or maybe that's just the
way OE is built? It would certainly be nice to click on a MID and have
my news client take me there.
Spoon2001 said:That ass-umes (makes an ass out of u and me) that that is the default
newsgroup server.
Didn't work for me, either. Got a message, "Outlook Express [I know,
I know] could not download the requested message. It is likely that the
message was removed or expired from the server".
»Q« said:Assumes that what is the default newsgroup server?
That was OE-Quotefix that removed the angle brackets. But even when I click
on the bracketed link, still OE pops up a send mail window with the MID in
the To: field. Maybe OE is broken, or maybe that's just the way OE is
built? It would certainly be nice to click on a MID and have my news client
take me there.
Hmmm. No idea what newsreader you use. So can not offer an
answer. I use 5 news servers so when I want to see a reference
on that server I have to insure that it is the default news server
so that my newsreader knows what news server to go to.
»Q« said:Iswym. The reader I most often use, Xnews, looks not to the default
server but to whatever server I'm reading from at the time. (I think
if such a link is clicked from another app, like a browser, Xnews will
look to the default server.) If Xnews does not find the article, it
offers to search Google Groups for it, a nice feature. I wish that it
also would pop up a dialog asking me if I'd like to search some other
server for the MID as well.
There is a way to specify the hostname using an alternate type of news
URL. It's useless for Usenet, but could be useful for articles on
other servers. I last saw it in some URL specification draft, and I
don't know what's in the current RFCs. Out of curiosity about how OE
handles them, does
news://news.grc.com/[email protected]
take you to a post of mine in the grc.test group? And/or does
take you to the test group on that server?
What I see:
< Hi, YK!
So yes and yes.
<snip>»Q« said:MIDs are not URLs, and programs can only guess whether they might be
MIDs or e-mail addies, as the formats are the same. They can be
turned into URLs, though. Try clicking