Sietse Fliege
ShortcutsFiler by Sietse Fliege
ShortcutsFiler recursively scans the path(s) that you specify for shortcuts.
It retrieves the properties of the shortcuts that it finds and of their
targets and writes the results to a comma- or otherwise seperated file
(CSV file).
ShortcutsFiler uses an .ini file for its settings and it supports
command line parameters (.ini file, multiple scan paths).
ShortcutsFiler is written with AutoIt and comes with the script.
In case you want to run or compile the script you need AutoIt,
at least v.3.0.102.
AutoIt Homepage: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/index.php
ShortcutsFiler recursively scans the path(s) that you specify for shortcuts.
It retrieves the properties of the shortcuts that it finds and of their
targets and writes the results to a comma- or otherwise seperated file
(CSV file).
ShortcutsFiler uses an .ini file for its settings and it supports
command line parameters (.ini file, multiple scan paths).
ShortcutsFiler is written with AutoIt and comes with the script.
In case you want to run or compile the script you need AutoIt,
at least v.3.0.102.
AutoIt Homepage: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/index.php