ANN: New C# Video Available

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wade.Beasley
  • Start date Start date
Nice job Wade!

Hey, do me a favor, if you get a chance, drop me a line at
or wryan<SameHere> , bill<....>
Apart from the following comments below, good example, well thought out and
clear if a little bit slow.

IMO - Tutorials about something should concentrate on that subject. You
spend the first 9 minutes creating your person class i.e. the properties
etc. This isn't really relevant; this sort of subject matter should be
limited to a preliminary tutorial on the very basics of C# and the visual
studio IDE. You should possibly spend a minute showing the tutee a pre-built
class with the properties in place, and discuss why they are there and what
you will be using them for. The first relevant bit i.e. the "base" keyword
doesn't occur until almost 10 mins have gone by ...

In general i think that you should type only the important/different
functions that actually show the use of the "subject matter" of a particular
tutorial. In this case, the functions that show the use of each of the
keywords for the first time. For example: when you first introduce "base",
have the function there already (to avoid having to type public void foo()
{} for the 100th time), and then show that typing "base." brings up the
intelisense menu with the base classes functions and properties.

Also, maybe at some points during the tutorial you might want to go back to
your "framework" diagram to reaffirm that is what you have created. And
maybe also add things to the diagram as you go through the tutorial adding
functionality to your solution.

Hope that this is constructive criticism,


Wade.Beasley said:
Please check out our newest C# Training Video on C# OOP Inheritance and
Polymorphism. Please rate it and leave us comments.

Having just had a look at the C# Methods video, it seems you don't
properly understand reference types. You don't end up with a "copy of
the string on the stack". Pass by reference should very rarely be used
for performance reasons, as value types are rarely large and reference
types will actually incur a performance *penalty* for being passed by
reference (due to an extra level of indirection, effectively).
I agree with the other comments. Very well done, nice graphics.

I did notice that it seems to be a little slow as well though.