ANN: Get .NET Compact Framework SP1 Today!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neil Cowburn [MVP]
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Neil Cowburn [MVP]

The Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP1 Redistributable includes
everything you need to run .NET Compact Framework applications, including
the Common Language Runtime and the .NET Compact Framework class library.

Download SP1 from the following link:

..NET Compact Framework 1.0 Service Pack 1 details:
Defect Fix List:
.. App would not launch properly if it were already running and showing
MessageBox when the user navigated out to Home
.. Application terminates with a first-chance exception in gwes.exe when
typing quickly in a textbox
.. Authentication state handling errors in http client
.. Auto scroll - scrollbars aren't removed until control is inside bounds of
.. Auto scroll - with control sitting bottom left, should get both scrollbars
when control moved over right edge
.. BinaryReader.ReadBytes() returns less bytes than asked
.. DataRowCollection.Find Method Returning Incorrect Row
.. Don't get GotFocus Event for first control in form
.. Focus should move to the next control when the current control with the
focus gets disabled
.. Force tear down of sockets after dialup disconnect
.. Http client not using credentials from supplied proxy object
.. If a focused control property is changed while the application is in the
background it loses its focus
.. Improved code cache performance and memory utilization on ARM processors
.. Improved network media sense / connection management experience
.. Improved performance of Controls property
.. InvalidOperationException when polymorphic type is returned and in the
same namespace as the service
.. Memory leak in the ControlCollection class
.. Native exception thrown while setting the RadioButton.Checked property to
.. Native exception while calling String.Intern()
.. Parsing of Numeric values is not working correctly on some locales
(specially affects VB scenarios)
.. Problem receiving empty arrays mixed with other data
.. Scrollable Control - thumb in wrong position after setting
.. Scrollable Control throws not supported exception setting AutoScroll=false
.. Scrollbars should go away when app 100% client sized control is returned
back to 100% inside client area
.. System.Type.GetType(string) fails to load types that reside on external
assemblies if those assemblies are not already loaded
.. The ListView control allows setting the text alignment of its first column
to HorizontalAlignment.Center and HorizontalAlignment.Right
.. The ListViewItem.Checked property always returns false if the CheckBoxes
property of the listview control is set to false
.. Web services: Compatibility issues
.. Web services: Not correctly handling the default values that VB creates
for enums when using the DefaultValue attribute
.. WebRequest.Proxy doesn't allow spaces in the URL
.. XmlQualifiedName objects are corrupted if the namespace of the data is the
same as that of the service

Correct. The new devices ship with the initial release of the CF. It looks
like SP1 was finalized after WM2003 RTMed.

Is there a download somewhere such that the emulator is updated with the
fixes in this service pack for those of us developing with VS.NET 2003?

This QFE is the SP1. As with mosty PB QFEs, very little is said about them.

OK, so how does one write a target install package in VS.NET 2003 for an
application to be installed on a CF.NET device, so that the new SP1
framework gets installed and not the original framework. AND, on a similar
note, if do both frameworks run side-by-side on the CF.NET device so that
you can have executables targeted at both frameworks (like the regular .NET

Doug Thews
Director, Customer Solutions
D&D Consulting Services
Visit my Tech Blog at:

Neil Cowburn said:
I don't know what Microsoft's policy on this is, but since there is no API
changes in the Service Pack (hence it being a service pack and not a point
build release), I don't see them release an x86 build anytime soon.

I'll make enquiries though.


Bruce Shankle said:

Is there a download somewhere such that the emulator is updated with the
fixes in this service pack for those of us developing with VS.NET 2003?

-Bruce bounds
For now its going to reside in RAM. Hopefully HP and other OEMs will roll
out ROM updates with the new runtimes shortly...

Not likely.

They are STILL having problems getting the PPC2k2>>2k3 upgrade
out at all...

Since it doesn't fix anything I've run into, I'll just stay put-

I guess that defect list is not complete then... The bug where the form
becomes visible after touching certain properties (e.g. WindowState,
ControlBox etc) is also fixed... Nicer debug/diagnostic dialogs are added...
maybe more...

I just tried SP1 and I found the following problems:

1. Some of my buttons (Windows.Forms.Button) don't appear. Why is Visible

2. Disposing a panel from a different thread that created it hangs
sometimes, but it works in the original .NET CF.