H.M.A. (Dick) Hazeleger
This is a little tool for those of you who who use the FoxMail
5.0.800.0 eMail client.
What is FoxTool?
FoxTool is a little add on for the FoxMail eMail client that will do
the following:
1. Removes multiple Re: from the Subject
2. Converts Underscores (_) in the Subject into Spaces
3. Removes Spammarker (**SPAM**) from the Subject
4. Recognizes some international response markers (AW: and SV
5. Supports individual response marker
6. Removes multiple empty lines from body
7. Wraps the lines after a specified length
8. Supports %SIGNATURE variable for random signatures
9. Check for eMails on startup
10. Change hyperlink internet browser
11. Check mail on atartup for active user, or all users
Newly added features in 1.0 RC1 are:
A. Insert eMail address into From- and ReplyTo-header
B. New parameter -p to specify FoxmailPath by commandline (Usage:
FoxTool.exe -p "C:\Foxmail-Path\")
C. Close Foxmail when FoxTool is closed
Bug fixes:
* Check on start and send key didn't work properly
* Close together with Foxmail (Win9x)
* Last char in line could be cut from message.
Where to get it?
http://www.hazeleger.net/special/index.htm (Downloads >> FoxMail Add
ons >> FoxTool)
Support forum is available at:
FoxTool, of course, is freeware.
5.0.800.0 eMail client.
What is FoxTool?
FoxTool is a little add on for the FoxMail eMail client that will do
the following:
1. Removes multiple Re: from the Subject
2. Converts Underscores (_) in the Subject into Spaces
3. Removes Spammarker (**SPAM**) from the Subject
4. Recognizes some international response markers (AW: and SV

5. Supports individual response marker
6. Removes multiple empty lines from body
7. Wraps the lines after a specified length
8. Supports %SIGNATURE variable for random signatures
9. Check for eMails on startup
10. Change hyperlink internet browser
11. Check mail on atartup for active user, or all users
Newly added features in 1.0 RC1 are:
A. Insert eMail address into From- and ReplyTo-header
B. New parameter -p to specify FoxmailPath by commandline (Usage:
FoxTool.exe -p "C:\Foxmail-Path\")
C. Close Foxmail when FoxTool is closed
Bug fixes:
* Check on start and send key didn't work properly
* Close together with Foxmail (Win9x)
* Last char in line could be cut from message.
Where to get it?
http://www.hazeleger.net/special/index.htm (Downloads >> FoxMail Add
ons >> FoxTool)
Support forum is available at:
FoxTool, of course, is freeware.