ANN: Eficium Cybercafe SurfShop Free

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Eficium SPRL is pleased to announce the release of Eficium Cybercafe
SurfShop Free version 1.00.

Cybercafe SurfShop Free is the world's first real cybercafe freeware
offering an intuitive interface and powerful security, centralised
management and reporting features.

For more information please visit our web site at

You may download the trial version here:

Download size: 17285 KB

Cybercafe SurfShop Free is the world's first real cybercafe freeware.
It offers an intuitive interface and powerful security, centralised
management and reporting features. Get your Internet, games or cyber
cafe up and running in minutes with continental Europe's leading
Internetcafe freeware.

Michael Garvin

Eficium SPRL said:
Eficium SPRL is pleased to announce the release of Eficium Cybercafe
SurfShop Free version 1.00.

Cybercafe SurfShop Free is the world's first real cybercafe freeware
offering an intuitive interface and powerful security, centralised
management and reporting features.

For more information please visit our web site at

You may download the trial version here:

Download size: 17285 KB

Cybercafe SurfShop Free is the world's first real cybercafe freeware.
It offers an intuitive interface and powerful security, centralised
management and reporting features. Get your Internet, games or cyber
cafe up and running in minutes with continental Europe's leading
Internetcafe freeware.

Michael Garvin

Eficium SPRL

Strange freeware:
Free to try; $229.00 to buy
Limitations: Only 3 PCs, 30-day or 60-session trial
Vegard said:
Strange freeware:
Free to try; $229.00 to buy
Limitations: Only 3 PCs, 30-day or 60-session trial

It's hard to say if this is time limited trialware, crippleware or
whatever. The feature comparison between the pro and "free" versions
is here:

and they've bloated the "features" list so much that one tends to get
confused about what is needed and what isn't. I'm sure that's the
intention too. Frankly, I can't see much reason to download this stuff.

This continual twisting and abuse of the *definition of freeware*
to promote commercial versions here in this group is really starting
to piss me off. We need a new term to describe this crap and I propose:


as opposed to actual freeware. It's not freeware any more than
liteware and crippleware are.

This is exactly the kind of stuff I've been warning this group about
for years. People with hidden or even open agendas will start
advertising in this group and we need to stop this kind of activity here.
It's hard to say if this is time limited trialware, crippleware or
whatever. The feature comparison between the pro and "free" versions
is here:

and they've bloated the "features" list so much that one tends to get
confused about what is needed and what isn't. I'm sure that's the
intention too. Frankly, I can't see much reason to download this stuff.

This continual twisting and abuse of the *definition of freeware*
to promote commercial versions here in this group is really starting
to piss me off. We need a new term to describe this crap and I propose:


as opposed to actual freeware. It's not freeware any more than
liteware and crippleware are.

This is exactly the kind of stuff I've been warning this group about
for years. People with hidden or even open agendas will start
advertising in this group and we need to stop this kind of activity here.

I wouldn't worry about this lot too much - one look at the website
tells you they cannot design for peanuts - text far too small,
horrible background, horrible frames - difficult to find information.

For a product all about web surfing, it is not exactly the best
advertisement :-)
It's hard to say if this is time limited trialware, crippleware or
whatever. The feature comparison between the pro and "free" versions
is here:

and they've bloated the "features" list so much that one tends to get
confused about what is needed and what isn't. I'm sure that's the
intention too. Frankly, I can't see much reason to download this

This continual twisting and abuse of the *definition of freeware*
to promote commercial versions here in this group is really starting
to piss me off. We need a new term to describe this crap and I


as opposed to actual freeware. It's not freeware any more than
liteware and crippleware are.

This is exactly the kind of stuff I've been warning this group about
for years. People with hidden or even open agendas will start
advertising in this group and we need to stop this kind of activity

I heartily agree on this one John.

This is Eficium here. We make one of the world's leading cybercafe management tools. May we point out that we do not make a web surfing tool, but a management tool for cybercafes. Also our Free version of Surfshop is as it's name indicate totally free with no strings attached or ads or any such like things.

We currently have about 6000 pc's that use Surfshop worlwide. I'd say that is pretty good vindication about our products and the quality of our software design.

We also used, to design our web site, tools made by some of the leading website design specialists out there. So if you have any complaints about the template we used, maybe you should direct these to them:


Mike Garvin.
Someone wrote:

Strange freeware:
Free to try; $229.00 to buy
Limitations: Only 3 PCs, 30-day or 60-session trial

Check the product again that appears against these lines: Surfshop Pro, quite different from Surfshop Free, which, er, is free. Surfshop Free is not a means to promote the Pro version. I guess you have fallen into the classic pitfall of knocking something without even having tried it.

Says a lot about the "usefulness" of your site, if "reviews" and "contributions" are simply opportunities to flame the hard work of honest companies.

We won't be bothering with your site. Thank you.

Mike Garvin.