Animgated GIFS



Why do my animated GIFs stop animating? I open a form, and the GIF
runs. If I cover the form with another window, then minismise this
window, my GIF has stopped. Any ideas why and how to kickstart it


One Handed Man \( OHM - Terry Burns \)

Just tried it, I dont get this problem.

What version of VS are u using and is this Anigif set to loop endlessly,
some are not.


OHM ( Terry Burns )
. . . One-Handed-Man . . .
If U Need My Email ,Ask Me

Time flies when you don't know what you're doing


Just tried it, I dont get this problem.

What version of VS are u using and is this Anigif set to loop endlessly,
some are not.


I am using VS 2003. The Gif loops endlessly in a browser, so I guess
that it does loop endlessly?

After more testing, if i use Picture1.Enabled = False then
Picture1.Enabled = True the GIF restarts, but then only until the
WHOLE form is covered by something else.

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