Keith R
I googled but didn't find a relevant hit. If you can point me in the right
direction (or help me refine my search terms) I'd greatly appreciate it.
I have a slide with several shapes, each of which has a motion path. The
shapes all end up in a row, then I want to fade in a table (where each shape
is in a cell all in the top row) so I can add descriptive information in the
table below. I've run into a few problems I'm hoping someone can help me
(1) I'm having all kinds of trouble lining up the motion path end points so
the shapes all end up in a centered, straight line. Is there a way to force
the endpoints into alignment? When working with shapes themselves I can
fine-tune the shape location, but I'm not sure how to do that with multiple
/endpoints/ of motion paths.
(2) After the animation, I want to switch to a new slide to add my other
content (the slide is too 'busy' to effectively work in, with the original
shape locations showing and the motion paths all on the same slide). I need
to move the same shapes into what was the final destination of the motion
paths. Again, when I move them individually (by mouse) they don't want to
line up in exactly the right places, so when I move from the motion paths
slide to my new slide, the shapes 'jump'. Instead of spending hours manually
aligning each one (flipping between the two slides in slideshow mode, then
identifying which ones are misaligned, then going into design view and
tweaking each shape location in the options box) how can I just "copy" the
end result of slide 1 (after the motion paths) to make slide 2?
Many, many (many many many) thanks,
direction (or help me refine my search terms) I'd greatly appreciate it.
I have a slide with several shapes, each of which has a motion path. The
shapes all end up in a row, then I want to fade in a table (where each shape
is in a cell all in the top row) so I can add descriptive information in the
table below. I've run into a few problems I'm hoping someone can help me
(1) I'm having all kinds of trouble lining up the motion path end points so
the shapes all end up in a centered, straight line. Is there a way to force
the endpoints into alignment? When working with shapes themselves I can
fine-tune the shape location, but I'm not sure how to do that with multiple
/endpoints/ of motion paths.
(2) After the animation, I want to switch to a new slide to add my other
content (the slide is too 'busy' to effectively work in, with the original
shape locations showing and the motion paths all on the same slide). I need
to move the same shapes into what was the final destination of the motion
paths. Again, when I move them individually (by mouse) they don't want to
line up in exactly the right places, so when I move from the motion paths
slide to my new slide, the shapes 'jump'. Instead of spending hours manually
aligning each one (flipping between the two slides in slideshow mode, then
identifying which ones are misaligned, then going into design view and
tweaking each shape location in the options box) how can I just "copy" the
end result of slide 1 (after the motion paths) to make slide 2?
Many, many (many many many) thanks,