Animation Bug Report

  • Thread starter Thread starter Allen St.Clair
  • Start date Start date

Allen St.Clair

Hi all.

I found a bug of PPT2007 Animation.
Version: 2007(12.0.6211.1000) SP1 MSO (12.0.6213.1000)

Download the demo file here:

1 Open it by PPT2007. Slide Show. Click when need. Notify the color changing
of Box C under Memory.
2 Open it by PPT2007. Slide Show. Click quickly many times (to skip
animations). The color of Box C keeps in white.


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This is a problem with having 2 animations or more after a mouse click and
then some font changes after that.
Doesn't happen for me in office 2003, happens in office 2007 and 2007 sp1
Here's a simple test...

I've found another bug but with powerpoint 2007 sp1 only, works sort of ok
in powerpoint 2007.
For a shape, if you click "insert" > "action" > "mouse over" > "run macro".
The mouse over macro will only run once, but when you put the mouse over it
again it won't run anymore.
This is only for office 2007 sp1, office 2007 is ok but the mouse over macro
is executed twice when I put the mouse over the shape.
Back in office 2003 the mouse over macro only ran once.
Here's my file to test...

Where do people go to report these things?