Animated GIFs in VB.NET form...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom
  • Start date Start date


My application is going to do some file copies, searching, etc. During this
time I would like to throw up a small progress window showing the progress
of the operation - but what I would also like to do is to show some of the
animated GIFs that occur when Windows does a file operation. I.E. When you
copy a bunch of files, you get the Windows progress dialog box and it shows
an animated picture of files 'traveling' across the network (or to your disk,
etc etc).

Is there any way one can access this 'GIFs' directly from .NET? And if not,
does anyone know of where one can get these GIFs at? I know a number of years
ago I saw these somewhere but now for the life of me I cannot find them anymore.

Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hello Tom,
I forget exactly where they are stored.. I wanna say the Windows\System folder..
but I cant be sure.. anyhow.. they are not GIFs, but rather AVI files.

Hello GhostInAK,

Yea, I figured out (after I sent this) that they were AVI files... Unfortunately,
I did a complete search of the Windows folder (subdirectories included) and
found none of the AVI files. I am suspecting (unfortunately) that they are
embedded somewhere in the Windows executables (maybe as resources).
Hi Tom

I'm not at my dev machine at the moment but I know that some time ago I
was looking for these as well and found a folder in (I think) the
Visual Studio install path that was called something like "Graphics"
which contained animated GIFs etc for standard windows operations
(along with standard "copy/paste" etc icons/bitmaps. It may have been
an option to include/exclude when I installed VS but it was so long ago
that I can't remember now.

Hope that helps