I've got a few animated GIF files that I'd like to use in a PPT show (using
version 2002), however, when placed in the file, the GIFs run (as intended)
up to a certain point, then stop and disappear. Surely this is not normal?
Any recommendations? The original files were created in Flash and I can
create an AVI file (looks really awful), or SWFs and MOVs which I can't seem
to import into the PPT file. Any thoughts?
version 2002), however, when placed in the file, the GIFs run (as intended)
up to a certain point, then stop and disappear. Surely this is not normal?
Any recommendations? The original files were created in Flash and I can
create an AVI file (looks really awful), or SWFs and MOVs which I can't seem
to import into the PPT file. Any thoughts?