Is there a standard angle of inclination for LCD displays to get the best
definition and color?
My wife insists on having the screen vertical but I like to have it facing
me squarely.
You are correct, if you care about the very best picture quality.
While some claim very wide angles for viewing, you can easily
see the decline in color quality and sharpness with VERY little
change in angle, if you are particular about best color quality and
sharpness. BTW, DO NOT let your wife convince you to hang
the TV on a wall w a y o v e r t h e r e . . . . . (you may as
well get a small TV and view it closely! ;-). A good 1080p 42"
looks good around 6-7 feet away (and permits 3-couch-cushion
viewing, with the side positions being acceptably good - but grab
the center, if you can...;-), and with some programming, much
closer viewing still looks good. And, DO NOT hang the dang
thing over the fireplace! UGH! This bespeaks users who care
little about the quality of the viewing experience. OK, while I'm
at it, forget about the miserable built-in sound on TVs. Hook
the cable-box, dish receiver, etc. directly to an integrated amp
or receiver (and forget the hokey "surround-sound" mush and
go for a good pair of front speakers [used older ones can be
good], properly placed for best sound [something few people
bothered to do even with "hi-fi"...]). So, there! ;-)