And they're at it again

It sounds a bit reminiscent of the "let them eat cake" approach. Most politicians (of any political persuasion) seem to be completely out-of-touch with the people they're supposed to represent, imho. :rolleyes:
Must think about becoming an MP?:lol:
I could stand for either the OMRLP or the PCreview Party.:p
Agreed TC.

They only in it for the money I think. They are not interested in helping others only their part in financial gain
I don`t think I`ll vote for any of the three parties.They are all the same,all hand in glove with each other,just like the energy companies.Mind you this country is well known as a rip off heaven.So much so that now even the politicians are onto it. It will be no vote I fear.
This was in the Telegraph aswell so it does have some weight to it..

Its now getting absolutely ridiculous when our own government officials are all corrupt and on the take..Where is this going to end as I am now really getting fed up of all the smoke and mirrors this government make to deflect from themselves..

Something has to be done soon..
This was in the Telegraph aswell so it does have some weight to it..

Its now getting absolutely ridiculous when our own government officials are all corrupt and on the take..Where is this going to end as I am now really getting fed up of all the smoke and mirrors this government make to deflect from themselves..

Something has to be done soon..

Hi crazylegs.
What can we do about it --nothing.We`ll just "take it on the chin,we`ll grin and bare it,and keep a stiff upper lip and carry on"
I suppose the only thing we can do,come the next "democratic election" is to write across the ballot paper "none of the above" That will focus their minds, if they have minds in the first place,and I dought that. As for UKip well if ever they do get into power what do you bet that the first thing they do,they`ll sniff out the trough and then in goes their collective snouts--job done.