Analyzing the network connection



Loaded SP2 from Tech Net CD last night.

Ran Task Manager and looked at the network connection.

There is now a constant .02 to .09 use of network utilization.

Automatic updates are set to download updates but let me choose to install.

Does XP Pro have tool to sniff packets or do I need to find something that
anaylezes the connection.

Running Broadband from Cox.

Hans-Georg Michna

Loaded SP2 from Tech Net CD last night.

Ran Task Manager and looked at the network connection.

There is now a constant .02 to .09 use of network utilization.

Automatic updates are set to download updates but let me choose to install.

Does XP Pro have tool to sniff packets or do I need to find something that
anaylezes the connection.

Running Broadband from Cox.

TCPView from may be a simple start. The
program simply shows you all connections.


David Efflandt

Loaded SP2 from Tech Net CD last night.

Ran Task Manager and looked at the network connection.

There is now a constant .02 to .09 use of network utilization.

Automatic updates are set to download updates but let me choose to install.

Does XP Pro have tool to sniff packets or do I need to find something that
anaylezes the connection.

For the SP2 firewall you can enable logging of all accepted packets and/or
all dropped packets. I cannot tell you exactly how to get there because
my XP Home was acting up and I am in 64-bit XP (which apparently has no

But if you cannot get there from Start, Control Panel, Security Icon,
maybe from Control Panel, Network and Internet Connections, Network
Connections, (right click Local Area Connection) Properties, Advanced tab.
Somewhere are checkboxs to enable two types of firewall logging.

But the traffic is most likely other insecure PCs on your cable or
internet worms/crackers trying to get in, which you will soon tire of

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