Analysis of RealAudio file header

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ed
  • Start date Start date



1. Real Media File Format tag: .RMF [Real Media File] (File header)

2. Header Blocks:-
PROP Properties block
CONT Content description block [for Title / Author / Copyright]
MDPR Media Properties Block (incl. MIME type)
[NB: The order of these three Blocks is arbitrary]

DATA Data block [Audio data]
INDX Index Block [located at the END of the file]


Headers in a Real Media file:

1. File
2. Properties
3. Media
4. Content
5. Data Chunk
6. Data Packet
7. Index Section
8. Index Record

EDITING can be done using any hex editor



File Header Block (First 18 bytes):

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ -----------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be .RMF]
4 Size Size of File Header block
(NB: Always 18 bytes [12h])
2 Object version The version of the File Header object
(NB: This is always zero)
4 File version The PN version of the file
(NB: This can be either zero or 1)
4 Num headers The number of headers [blocks] which
follow, and which make up the file
(NB: Always 5 [PROP, MDPR, CONT,

Properties Block [PROP]:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ ------------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be PROP]
4 Size Size of Properties block (in hex)
(NB: Always 50 bytes [32h])
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
4 Max bit rate Maximum data transmission rate (in hex)
(NB: AC44 = 44,100 [bps])
4 Avg bit rate Average data transmission rate
4 Max packet size Maximum packet size (640 bytes [280 hex])
4 Avg packet size Average packet size (640 bytes [280 hex])
4 Num packets Number of data packets [in the DATA block]
4 Duration Duration of the audio stream, in milliseconds
(NB: Divide by 60,000 to convert to
4 Preroll Duration of buffering before starting
playback, in milliseconds (usually zero)
4 Index offset Offset to start of the index block, in bytes
(NB: Identifies start of INDX block)
4 Data offset Offset of the data block (in hex)
(NB: Identifies start of DATA block)
2 Num streams Number of streams (1=Audio only,
2 Flags Sets the characteristics of the file:
0001 = save enabled [Allows save]
0002 = perfect-play enabled
[Extra buffering]
0004 = live broadcast

Media Properties block [MDPR]:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ ------------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be MDPR]
4 Size Size of MDPR block (in hex)
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
2 Stream Number Stream ID number
(NB: Audio stream is always Stream 0)
4 Max bit rate Maximum data transmission rate (in hex)
(NB: AC44 = 44,100 [bps] )
4 Avg bit rate Average data transmission rate
4 Max pack size Largest packet size (640 [280h])
(NB: Must agree with Max packet size
in PROP)
4 Avg pack size Average packet size (640 [280h])
(NB: Must agree with Avg packet size
in PROP)
4 Starting time Starting time of audio stream
(NB: Always starts at zero minutes)
4 Preroll Duration of buffering, in milliseconds
(NB: Must agree with Preroll in PROP)
4 Duration Duration of the audio stream, in milliseconds
(NB: Must agree with Duration in PROP)
1 Stream name size - Length of stream name, in bytes [2D hex]
n Stream name Name of stream (length as above)
(NB: 45 bytes [2D hex] =
audio/x-pn-multirate-realaudio logical stream)
1 MIME type size Length of MIME type, in bytes [14 hex]
n MIME type MIME type of stream (length as above)
(NB: 20 bytes [14 hex] = audio/x-pn-realaudio)
4 Type-dep. size Length of type-dependent Data, in bytes
[NB: 5E hex = 94 bytes]
n Type-dep. data Type-dependent data
[NB: Includes .ra, .ra5, genrcook]

Content Description block [CONT]:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ ------------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be CONT]
4 Size Size of CONT block (in hex)
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
2 Title size Length of Title description, in bytes
n Title Title description
2 Author size Length of Author description, in bytes
n Author Author description
2 Copyright size Length of Copyright description, in bytes
n Copyright Copyright description
2 Comment size Length of Comment, in bytes
(NB: Always zero)
n Comment Comment (NB: Actually, no bytes are alloted
to this, as comment length is zero)



Data block [DATA]:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ -----------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be DATA]
4 Size Size of DATA block (in hex)
(NB: Must it agree with size in PROP?)
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
4 Num packets Number of data packets in file
4 Next data header Offset of next DATA header
(NB: Always zero - there is only
one DATA chunk in a file)

Data Packet header:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ -----------
2 Object ID ID of block
2 Length Length of packet, in bytes
2 Stream number Stream ID number
(NB: Audio stream is always Stream 0)
4 Timestamp Timestamp of packet, in milliseconds
1 Reserved Reserved
1 Flag Sets the characteristics of the file:
0001 = Reliable flag
0002 = Keyframe flag
n Data Media data


Index Section

Index Header:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ ------------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be INDX]
4 Size Size of INDX block, in bytes (hex)
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
4 Num indices Number of Indices in the INDX block
2 Stream number Stream ID number
(NB: Audio stream is always Stream 0)
4 Next index header - Offset of next Index header

Index Record:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ -----------
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
4 Timestamp Timestamp of packet, in milliseconds
4 Offset Offset of Data packets
4 Packet count Packet number

[All headers are required except the Index Header]
Very interesting

Ed said:

1. Real Media File Format tag: .RMF [Real Media File] (File header)

2. Header Blocks:-
PROP Properties block
CONT Content description block [for Title / Author / Copyright]
MDPR Media Properties Block (incl. MIME type)
[NB: The order of these three Blocks is arbitrary]

DATA Data block [Audio data]
INDX Index Block [located at the END of the file]


Headers in a Real Media file:

1. File
2. Properties
3. Media
4. Content
5. Data Chunk
6. Data Packet
7. Index Section
8. Index Record

EDITING can be done using any hex editor



File Header Block (First 18 bytes):

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ -----------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be .RMF]
4 Size Size of File Header block
(NB: Always 18 bytes [12h])
2 Object version The version of the File Header object
(NB: This is always zero)
4 File version The PN version of the file
(NB: This can be either zero or 1)
4 Num headers The number of headers [blocks] which
follow, and which make up the file
(NB: Always 5 [PROP, MDPR, CONT,

Properties Block [PROP]:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ ------------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be PROP]
4 Size Size of Properties block (in hex)
(NB: Always 50 bytes [32h])
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
4 Max bit rate Maximum data transmission rate (in hex)
(NB: AC44 = 44,100 [bps])
4 Avg bit rate Average data transmission rate
4 Max packet size Maximum packet size (640 bytes [280 hex])
4 Avg packet size Average packet size (640 bytes [280 hex])
4 Num packets Number of data packets [in the DATA block]
4 Duration Duration of the audio stream, in milliseconds
(NB: Divide by 60,000 to convert to
4 Preroll Duration of buffering before starting
playback, in milliseconds (usually zero)
4 Index offset Offset to start of the index block, in bytes
(NB: Identifies start of INDX block)
4 Data offset Offset of the data block (in hex)
(NB: Identifies start of DATA block)
2 Num streams Number of streams (1=Audio only,
2 Flags Sets the characteristics of the file:
0001 = save enabled [Allows save]
0002 = perfect-play enabled
[Extra buffering]
0004 = live broadcast

Media Properties block [MDPR]:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ ------------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be MDPR]
4 Size Size of MDPR block (in hex)
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
2 Stream Number Stream ID number
(NB: Audio stream is always Stream 0)
4 Max bit rate Maximum data transmission rate (in hex)
(NB: AC44 = 44,100 [bps] )
4 Avg bit rate Average data transmission rate
4 Max pack size Largest packet size (640 [280h])
(NB: Must agree with Max packet size
in PROP)
4 Avg pack size Average packet size (640 [280h])
(NB: Must agree with Avg packet size
in PROP)
4 Starting time Starting time of audio stream
(NB: Always starts at zero minutes)
4 Preroll Duration of buffering, in milliseconds
(NB: Must agree with Preroll in PROP)
4 Duration Duration of the audio stream, in milliseconds
(NB: Must agree with Duration in PROP)
1 Stream name size - Length of stream name, in bytes [2D hex]
n Stream name Name of stream (length as above)
(NB: 45 bytes [2D hex] =
audio/x-pn-multirate-realaudio logical stream)
1 MIME type size Length of MIME type, in bytes [14 hex]
n MIME type MIME type of stream (length as above)
(NB: 20 bytes [14 hex] = audio/x-pn-realaudio)
4 Type-dep. size Length of type-dependent Data, in bytes
[NB: 5E hex = 94 bytes]
n Type-dep. data Type-dependent data
[NB: Includes .ra, .ra5, genrcook]

Content Description block [CONT]:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ ------------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be CONT]
4 Size Size of CONT block (in hex)
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
2 Title size Length of Title description, in bytes
n Title Title description
2 Author size Length of Author description, in bytes
n Author Author description
2 Copyright size Length of Copyright description, in bytes
n Copyright Copyright description
2 Comment size Length of Comment, in bytes
(NB: Always zero)
n Comment Comment (NB: Actually, no bytes are alloted
to this, as comment length is zero)



Data block [DATA]:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ -----------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be DATA]
4 Size Size of DATA block (in hex)
(NB: Must it agree with size in PROP?)
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
4 Num packets Number of data packets in file
4 Next data header Offset of next DATA header
(NB: Always zero - there is only
one DATA chunk in a file)

Data Packet header:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ -----------
2 Object ID ID of block
2 Length Length of packet, in bytes
2 Stream number Stream ID number
(NB: Audio stream is always Stream 0)
4 Timestamp Timestamp of packet, in milliseconds
1 Reserved Reserved
1 Flag Sets the characteristics of the file:
0001 = Reliable flag
0002 = Keyframe flag
n Data Media data


Index Section

Index Header:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ ------------
4 Object ID ID of block [MUST be INDX]
4 Size Size of INDX block, in bytes (hex)
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
4 Num indices Number of Indices in the INDX block
2 Stream number Stream ID number
(NB: Audio stream is always Stream 0)
4 Next index header - Offset of next Index header

Index Record:

Bytes Name Description
----- ------ -----------
2 Object version Version number (NB: Always zero)
4 Timestamp Timestamp of packet, in milliseconds
4 Offset Offset of Data packets
4 Packet count Packet number

[All headers are required except the Index Header]

1. Real Media File Format tag: .RMF [Real Media File] (File header)

Interesting...but could you put this information into context for us? I'm
not exactly sure how we're supposed to use this information. Thanks!