Analog Video Card for Windows XP Movie Maker



In an article on this website a writer mentioned that an
Analog Video Card ($50) was all that was necessary to get
Movie Maker up and running when connected to a VCR. I
have an ADS Instant DVD connected to the VCR and can run
(somewhat) their versions of transfers to the hard disk
and then to a CD...very difficult. But Movie Maker does
not recognize the "device" and thus doesn't connect. No
one at any store I have been to knows what I am talking

Do you have any experience/knowledge about his subject?


Andrew E

The format in vhs wont be the same for a dvd player.
You'd need to download wmp9 series encoder,along with
the codec package.Then transfer to wmm,or other software
to write to dvd disk.WMM wont recognize the format in
vhs,its not digitalized.

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