Joe Newlin
I am getting an error: Server Error in '/' Application. An Ole Db
Provider was not specified in the ConnectionString. An example would
be, 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.
My Function is this: Public Function GetDataSource(ByBal sql As String)
As DataView
Dim ds as DataSet
Dim cnn as OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbDataAdapter
Cnn = New OleDbConnection ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Cmd = New OleDbDataAdapter(sql, cnn)
I Get this error even if I comment out the entire function.
Provider was not specified in the ConnectionString. An example would
be, 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.
My Function is this: Public Function GetDataSource(ByBal sql As String)
As DataView
Dim ds as DataSet
Dim cnn as OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbDataAdapter
Cnn = New OleDbConnection ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Cmd = New OleDbDataAdapter(sql, cnn)
I Get this error even if I comment out the entire function.