An interesting snippet on the R600 from Tom's Hardware

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John Lewis

AMD’s R600 event
Quoted from Tom's Hardware........

" We’re packing our bags for Tunisia

By Humphrey Cheung
Friday, April 20, 2007 14:02

Culver City (CA) - At around this time tomorrow, we’ll be in the air
on our way to Tunisia Africa for AMD’s R600 media event. AMD is
sparing no expense for this press junket and, according to an AMD rep,
have basically reserved the entire Sheraton Tunis Hotel for hundreds
of media from around the world and “few dozen” AMD executives and
other employees.

AMD will be showing off their next-generation R600 graphics card for
both desktops and mobile platforms. Most of the journalists should
land sometime on April 22nd and the actual briefings will occur on the
23rd and 24th.

Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait for all the juicy technical details
because the reporters have signed a non-disclosure agreement that
forbids them to talk for several weeks. Of course that could prove
difficult with hundreds of reporters in one spot. Maybe AMD will sic
the lions and cheetahs on reporters who get out of line.

The R600 launch comes at a crucial point in AMD's history because it's
hemorrhaging money. The chip maker reported a $611 million dollar
quarterly loss yesterday and this launch could help turn things

The actual launch of the card will happen late May early June. "

My observations:-

** Tunisia is the totally obvious location for such an important
launch-event....... the center of the technology universe....
The Mediterranean sun, sea ,free booze, lithe North African beauties
and sun-glasses (rose-tinted?) might help the reporting? The weather
in Tunis at this time of the year is very pleasant indeed.
** The reporters are gagged for several weeksafter the

Er, exactly why ?? nVidia has almost finished their round of
current-generation Dx10 hardware releases, so what has ATi to fear
there? Yes, nVidia is well into the design of the successor to the
G80 (8800-series) but that is not likely to appear before Q4 2007;
no doubt the architecture is already finalized and it is highly
unlikely that the R600 will have any surprises that nVidia is not yet
aware of.

( After all, Intel has been publicly showing off Penryn without any
such reporting restrictions, providing comprehensive benchmark
results, even allowing Anantech to carry out some benchmarking
themselves... and Penryn is not due out for 6 months at least. Intel
did not HAVE to give out this information at this time, as Barcelona
is nowhere to be seen, with no formal benchmarks at all.
Intel's reconnection to their customer-base by sharing all sorts of
advance information is a highly-refreshing move and an indication
of a resurgent confidence in their ability to execute cleanly. AMD/ATi
is currently moving in exactly the opposite direction in terms of
information sharing with potential customers.... why ? )
** Shipment - late May or early June. How many ??

(There is a strong rumor that the first run of the R600 will be
limited to 20,000 because of serious yield problems and that AMD/ATi
is scrambling for upgraded silicon to fix the yield issues.)
** No mention of the smaller brothers to the R600 in this message.
Presumably they will be part of this media event ? They had better
be, since AMDs excuse for delaying the R600 is the claim of a
synchronous launch of all members of the R600 family.
** Now that almost all members of nVidia first-gen DX10 offerings are
now mass-production available, is this junket from AMD/ATI another one
of their clutches at straws to deflect purchases of nVidia Dx10 cards?
And also visibly reassure investors that they are trying to do
something to recover from the abysmal past financial quarter... the
blame for much of which can be laid at ATi's door, totally missing all
Q1 delivery projections on Dx10 hardware?

John Lewis
You should quit pretending to be a market ANALyst and go back to playing
your DX10 games...

Remember, these are large companies. Leave the hemorrhaging to the
accountants. If a price war breaks out in the graphics card market (where
fatter margins can be trimmed away), I wouldn't shed a tear.

"War is the continuation of politics by other means.
It can therefore be said that politics is war without
bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."

John Lewis said:
AMD's R600 event
Quoted from Tom's Hardware........

" We're packing our bags for Tunisia

By Humphrey Cheung
Friday, April 20, 2007 14:02

Culver City (CA) - At around this time tomorrow, we'll be in the air
on our way to Tunisia Africa for AMD's R600 media event. AMD is
sparing no expense for this press junket and, according to an AMD rep,
have basically reserved the entire Sheraton Tunis Hotel for hundreds
of media from around the world and "few dozen" AMD executives and
other employees.

AMD will be showing off their next-generation R600 graphics card for
both desktops and mobile platforms. Most of the journalists should
land sometime on April 22nd and the actual briefings will occur on the
23rd and 24th.

Unfortunately, you'll have to wait for all the juicy technical details
because the reporters have signed a non-disclosure agreement that
forbids them to talk for several weeks. Of course that could prove
difficult with hundreds of reporters in one spot. Maybe AMD will sic
the lions and cheetahs on reporters who get out of line.

The R600 launch comes at a crucial point in AMD's history because it's
hemorrhaging money. The chip maker reported a $611 million dollar
quarterly loss yesterday and this launch could help turn things

The actual launch of the card will happen late May early June. "

My observations:-
<miscellaneous ramblings snipped>