Norman Harker said:
Computers allow us to stuff up more quickly.
Rubbish In Rubbish Out (A stolen expression from HiFi I believe)
A fine description of Excel's text file import functionality: speedy stuff
ups. The functionality comes *WITHOUT* warnings that Excel works the way it
does. It's not the functionality so much as the abysmal documentation that's
the real problem.
Once you know of the possible existence of the problem the data can be
easily mass checked using formulas that check the data. What's wrong
with COUNT? A COUNT of the entire data range which is supposed to
contain text will tell me how many values I have. I can similarly
conditional format to highlight the stuffups.
Yes, once the glitches are discovered, so it's only a question of how much
data gets fried before the problem is discovered.
With respect to using COUNT, if the data in were an arbitrary combination of
numeric strings and nonnumeric strings, using COUNT might not be much help.
It only works when all entries or a subset of known count contain nonnumeric
text. However, this is unlikely to be the case for much data fed into PCs on
RS-232 ports from external measuring devices.
Moral: if one is doing scientific research, one should use appropriate tools
for the task, not an overblown loan calculator (no matter how much fun it is
writing array formulas in it).