An idea

  • Thread starter Thread starter Menno Hershberger
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Menno Hershberger

Maybe someone should post a daily or bi-daily FAQ which an eye catching
subject line in ALL CAPS.... :-)
Then list the flying windows, scheduled scans at 12:00, no cookie scans,
misspellings and the numerous other ones that keep coming up.
Maybe... just maybe... people would read the eye catching post and discover
that what they were about to post has already been covered and help is on
the way... :-)
I am as guilty as any. My first post in here was about the flying windows
when the taskbar is on the side. Then I discovered that subject had been
covered many times before.
Yo Menno:

Get ready to duck again and move over and make some room
for me too...I posted a similar idea a couple of days ago
and got a very nice response from Ron C, MS-MVP, which
said the chances of this are slim to none. He mentioned
Mark's FAQs, the tag under Bill S's posts. I'm accessing
this through Microsoft, and have no clue who Mark is. So
I went to the FAQ site. I still have no idea who Mark
is. Jeez Microsoft, can't you even spring for a copy of
FrontPage or give the guy some web space at MSN Groups?
I'm really confused, where's the ownership of this NG?
Maybe because this is still a Beta?

Hi Menno,
It might not be a bad idea. Thank goodness for having some canned replies in
my pockets or I would be typing all night. :)

I will check with the nice folks at MSFT who made this NG, and let them
determine if it's an OK deal to do. Way back when, the basic rules for
NG's stated something along the lines that each NG needed a charter, and
that certain things had to be stated in said charter for them to be
legitimate. I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes by doing this out of
line, so I'll ask first. When I get a reply, I'll post it here yea or nay.

The good new sis that there are some who don't read prior posts and just
send theirs along; yet there are many others that we never 'see' who do so,
find the fix to their problem, and slip away into the night without a peep.
Thus we are helping more numbers than we see here.

Ron Chamberlin
Hi Bob,

<I posted a similar idea a couple of days ago and got a very nice response
from Ron C, MS-MVP, which
said the chances of this are slim to none.>

< He mentioned Mark's FAQs, the tag under Bill S's posts. I'm accessing
this through Microsoft, and have no clue who Mark is. So
I went to the FAQ site. I still have no idea who Mark is.>
Mark is a past MVP, a godo eprson and one whom I trust. Feel safe with his

< Jeez Microsoft, can't you even spring for a copy of FrontPage or give the
guy some web space at MSN Groups?>
I'll leave that up to Mark to answer. :)
< I'm really confused, where's the ownership of this NG? Maybe because this
is still a Beta?>
MS is the owner/creator of the NG.

Ron Chamberlin
Mark L Ferguson is a volunteer who initiated and maintains the unofficial
FAQ, as cited in my sig. You are seeing more presence from Microsoft in
these groups than is likely once the product is released, in my experience.
The groups are for peer to peer support, and you know who your peers are!

There've been various attempts to figure out a way to provide a better way
to have a FAQ, or some standing messages of some sort, but nothing works
well. It is better for the FAQ to be unofficial, and arms length from
Microsoft in a number of ways--we aren't restricted by what the program
manager sees as fit to put out there--compare the "known issues" posted at
the web site to what you see posted here daily, for example. (Sorry JJJ!)

The HTML interface to these groups is abysmal, but there's some prospect of
this changing before the beta is over.