Menno Hershberger
Maybe someone should post a daily or bi-daily FAQ which an eye catching
subject line in ALL CAPS....
Then list the flying windows, scheduled scans at 12:00, no cookie scans,
misspellings and the numerous other ones that keep coming up.
Maybe... just maybe... people would read the eye catching post and discover
that what they were about to post has already been covered and help is on
the way...
I am as guilty as any. My first post in here was about the flying windows
when the taskbar is on the side. Then I discovered that subject had been
covered many times before.
subject line in ALL CAPS....
Then list the flying windows, scheduled scans at 12:00, no cookie scans,
misspellings and the numerous other ones that keep coming up.
Maybe... just maybe... people would read the eye catching post and discover
that what they were about to post has already been covered and help is on
the way...
I am as guilty as any. My first post in here was about the flying windows
when the taskbar is on the side. Then I discovered that subject had been
covered many times before.