An Explanation


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I made a passing remark that I would like to retire as Captain of The PCReview Crew which resulted in all sorts of a response from members.

I did not have all the facts then, I do now ... well, I know a little more than I did.

I have been diagnosed with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. :(

As a diabetic, who also has high blood pressure, this apparently is not all that un-common ... ha, it was a little bit of a shock to me I can tell you.

I have seen a 'specialist' today, nearly 5 bloody hours, who confirmed what my optician suspected, he also gave me more information on what to expect ... these people don't beat about the bush when telling you. :rolleyes:

Basically, I could go blind ... how long, they cannot say ... treatment is by Laser and a "wait-and-see" game.

So, there you go ... I've been at sixes & sevens for the past 10 days but it is a bit of a relief to know what is wrong & what they can do.

Anybody got a free 28inch TFT they don't need. :thumb:
your remaining very upbeat Mucks considering..dont know what to say really as ive always looked up to you and know if anyone has the resilience and power to overcome then its you .. Hope everything turns out ok ...sorry 15"" fst is all i have m8 ;)
Hi Muck's

I wondered what you were thinking when you wanted to give up the captaincy of the PcReview crunching crew.. Even though i don't belong to that particular group..

I am very sorry to hear of your Diagnosis and wish you a speedy recovery and hopefully that Laser treatment will sort this problem out for you...

Chin up Muck's hopefully it will work out in the end...

32" Tft in the post to you as we speak....;)
muckshifter said:
Anybody got a free 28inch TFT they don't need. :thumb:
If you get 2 can i have one:D
I'm not going to ask any question, think i may go and use google instead.;)
Seriously Muckshifter if their is anything we can do to help we are only a click away.
I often use humour at times like this, but may be not the correct time now.
So sorry mucks, as you have said it is better to know where you stand as far as health is concerned, now it is things like this that make crunching worth-while:nod: I hope you remain as our Captain:thumb: and of course the treatment is a success and that you get better.;)
Well, some of you will be pleased to know ... I ain't going anywhere ... been a little pre-occupied with my thoughts though.

I've found my old Labtec C-324 headset ... will see how good Vista is at voice dictation, I know it 'reads' ok, may need a 'sexy voice plugin' later on. :D

No good getting 'down-in-the-dump' but then again I may just react as I normally do with a ban or to, to cheer me up, may take me a little longer to respond to some posts though. ;)

There is another on this forum who I would like you all to wish well too ... our Floppy aint having a very good time of things lately. Good luck with your treament Tony. :thumb:
Well, some of you will be pleased to know ... I ain't going anywhere
We are ALL pleased

may take me a little longer to respond to some posts though. ;)
Take as long as you want mucks.
There is another on this forum who I would like you all to wish well too ... our Floppy aint having a very good time of things lately. Good luck with your treament Tony.
The best of luck Tony! God bless you.
Total agreement with all the sentiments expressed. My wife has come through a very hard three months and I know it is difficult to be positive at times. However the support of friends and family and forum members (most of whom I know you have never met) makes a difference.
:( I'm so sorry mucks :(

I'll be chirpy as you want later on I promise :)

But right now... :(

I know all these guys are too manly to say it outright...
but we all do love you
& we'll be here for you however we can

I expect you'll be told all about the things that you won't be able to do.
They did that to me when I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 14
But Everyone has to live their lives within limitations
But if you push the boundaries
you'll often find that they are much further out than you or the nay-sayers ever thought.
And there are so many forms of beauty out there that don't require sight.

John's family have a hereditary condition that can cause blindness,
His father, also an artist, went blind.
& recently John has started having some trouble with his eyes.
Even the possibility
It is such a terrifying thing to face.

I hope so much that the treatment goes well.
I know you have family close, & that is so good,
but rembember, if ever you're feeling down,
or need a 'pick-me-up'
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has skype or a phone
even if it's just to talk about the weather :p
I'm here :)

hugs :)
I'm pulling for ya. I hope that with treatment, you can retain your eyesight. Very best luck, my friend.

I am so sorry to hear that...To be honest i am not really sure what i can say to you, but i think the above comments from the guys pretty much sum it up.

Head up and stay strong Mucks. :)

Love the comments Ciri made by the way,

Ciri said:
I know all these guys are too manly to say it outright...
but we all do love you
& we'll be here for you however we can
Definatly a manly way. :D

Chin up to Tony too. You done good so far mate. :thumb:
muckshifter said:
There is another on this forum who I would like you all to wish well too ... our Floppy aint having a very good time of things lately. Good luck with your treament Tony. :thumb:
I'm sure all our thoughts are with both of you at the moment.
But dont forget plenty of things to do here, a bit of banning here, the odd spammer to deal with and of course your valuable advice you both bring to the forum;)
What a win double eh? Two old fart moderators falling apart at the seams :lol:

Ian sure do pick 'em :D

Briefly, if you're aware of the cancer I suffered and was cured of earlier this year, my consultant decided to send me for a PET scan 'just to make sure'. The scan showed what is possibly a small instance of cancer at the back of my tongue.

The cancer I had removed by surgery was an inflamed lymph gland in my throat. Infected glands are usually a 'secondary' having been infected by cancer cells migrating from a 'primary'. Despite a CT scan and biopsies, including the removal of my right tonsil, the hospital could find no trace of a primary.

This was unusal, said the doc. Now, the PET scan seems to have found a 'primary'. This, he feels, is actually good news as had it gone undetected it could have kept spreading.

I'm having an op on the 25th which is purely a biopsy, where they will cut out part of the area that showed on the PET scan. If it is cancerous, I get to suffer 6 weeks of radiotherapy to my throat. This, apparently, will leave me feeling weak and I may have trouble swallowing. It will also damage my immune system in that area, so I'll have to watch out not to catch any gum infections and stuff. And not get into fights as well I suppose :D ;)

I would assume as it's the back of my throat, they won't need to make an incision. I'm a little worried in case my sense of taste is affected.

So, that's the crap going down with me, Doc assures me it's unlikely to be life threatening but the cure certainly ain't much fun.

And I've just read that Marianne Faithful, a sixties singer I used to fancy something rotten, has developed breast cancer. She's five years older than me and apparently, as they've caught it early, she has a very good chance of survival indeed, just like Kylie.

Good fun this cancer and crap ain't it? :D

Mucks, we've 'spoke' elsewhere already, so you know my thoughts are with you. I'd just like to say - Good luck.
Well i hope all goes OK floppybootstomp and if theirs anything i can do let me know.
To Flops

Flops my thoughts and best wishes are with you m8..Get well soon :thumb:
Best of Luck Buddy and hang in there, just listen to the doctors and take it easy and you will be ok. Or if your a headstrong case as me, you take what the docs say with a grain of salt and carry on.
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Should rename this thread ... old farts, bits fallin off, all handouts welcome. ;)

... I may have trouble swallowing
naw, the beer with go down fine ... just get one of them baby mincers for the rest. :D

I can go back to eating solid food too, got my dentures fixed today ... 25 flipping quid though. :rolleyes:

By Mucks
Should rename this thread ... old farts, bits fallin off, all handouts welcome. ;)

Grumpy old farts :lol:

no seriously without you 2 i would still be a have forgotten more than i know regarding computers and for that knowledge to be passed on, i will be ever grateful for picking up the scraps :thumb: . I can still remember my first post and you two gave me hell :lol: :lol: