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Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
For anyone who is even a little bit curious about what we actually do over in "Crunchers Corner" or, has ever been tempted to dip their toe into the world of "crunching," the following might interest you. Crunchers received it in a WCG e-mail this morning:
World Community Grid is the subject of a terrific article in the May 2010 issue of Fast Company magazine. The writer takes an in-depth look at key World Community Grid projects, and how hundreds of thousands of volunteers are banding together to help the world by enabling life-saving scientific research. You can read the article here. (registration to the website is free)

The World Community Grid Team
I hope fellow crunchers will not mind me posting this under the "General Discussion" tab? Perhaps you could think of it as the notice pinned up in the newsagent's window, directing you to the new hairdresser around the corner ;)

Thank you to anyone who follows the link to have a read, who knows, you might even feel inspired to join our Team. :D
Hi there Cap'n :D Yes, there is indeed a PCR team, we're called "The PC Review Crew II"

If you - or anyone - would be interested in joining us, you just need to register HERE, you need to choose a member name (such as your forum name) then a password, plus e-mail address. (Your e-mail does not get spammed; you can choose whether you'd like to receive updates
or not.)

I have been crunching for about 3 years now - not so long as some of my PCR team-mates! :p But I can truthfully say that crunching has never slowed-up my PCs, or caused problems. I still play video games, etc., with no worries. :thumb: It gives me a kick to read about the medical research which is maybe completed within a matter of months, instead of years, thanks to the contributions (no matter how small) of WCG members.

It would be wonderful to welcome some new crunchers to the team. But remember, there is no pressure - if someone decides to give it a try, but doesn't want to continue, then that is their choice. No one on the team will give them hassle, so there's nothing to lose. :)
