Spooky Neo
Hi guys 
Was just wondering what you think about ATI's SLi like technology : AMR. First of all, am I right with that acronym? lol
If I'm right, AMR should be introduced with the new R520 in May or June 2005. I also heard that you won't require same card, model and BIOS as SLi requires. So you would be able to run, for exemple, X700+X850 XT. Actually I know it's not true because these cards doesn't have AMR tech in it.
I guess that AMR will only be available on ATI's chipsets right? We shouldn't be able to use them on a NVidia's SLi chipset. Any words on that chipset yet?
And what about the new R520? Any words about it? As I read (long time before), this videocard would kick everyone ass.
This is not really a thread about questions and everything. Just talking about upcoming ATI's beauty and everything
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Was just wondering what you think about ATI's SLi like technology : AMR. First of all, am I right with that acronym? lol
If I'm right, AMR should be introduced with the new R520 in May or June 2005. I also heard that you won't require same card, model and BIOS as SLi requires. So you would be able to run, for exemple, X700+X850 XT. Actually I know it's not true because these cards doesn't have AMR tech in it.
I guess that AMR will only be available on ATI's chipsets right? We shouldn't be able to use them on a NVidia's SLi chipset. Any words on that chipset yet?
And what about the new R520? Any words about it? As I read (long time before), this videocard would kick everyone ass.
This is not really a thread about questions and everything. Just talking about upcoming ATI's beauty and everything

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