Ampersand Rich Text Format

  • Thread starter Thread starter Charles G via
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Charles G via

In my report header I have, for example, "AB&&C" to display AB&C. The problem
I have is that I have email these reports in Rich Text Format (MS Word) and
it wants to display AB&&C instead of AB&C.

The report shows exactly what I want, but when its converted to a MS Word
document through Rich Text Format it shows both ampersands on the report.

Charles G via said:
In my report header I have, for example, "AB&&C" to display AB&C. The
problem I have is that I have email these reports in Rich Text Format
(MS Word) and it wants to display AB&&C instead of AB&C.

The report shows exactly what I want, but when its converted to a MS
Word document through Rich Text Format it shows both ampersands on
the report.

I'd never encountered this before. It seems unnecessary to use the
special "&" processing for labels on reports, but I suppose it
simplifies saving a form as a report.

Here's a workaround. Change your label into an unbound text box, and
set its controlsource to

Here's a workaround. Change your label into an unbound text box, and
set its controlsource to


Its an unbound label in my Report Header. It also doesn't have a control
source. AB&C is the name of the company and I only want this to appear on the
first page of the report.

I thought I posted this in the Reports/Printing group. Sorry, but this is for
a report.

Charles G via said:
Its an unbound label in my Report Header. It also doesn't have a
control source. AB&C is the name of the company and I only want this
to appear on the first page of the report.

That's what I was saying. Currently you have a detached label (not
"unbound" -- labels are always unbound) on your report. Change it to a
text box -- you can right-click it and select Change To --> Text Box.
Then set the controlsource of the resulting text box to the expression I
In my report header I have, for example, "AB&&C" to display AB&C. The problem
I have is that I have email these reports in Rich Text Format (MS Word) and
it wants to display AB&&C instead of AB&C.

The report shows exactly what I want, but when its converted to a MS Word
document through Rich Text Format it shows both ampersands on the report.


Try using just one ampersand. It will probably display in Access with
the next letter underscored, but it should export correctly.

If you need both the Access report and the export, you might need to
use two reports differing only by an ampersand... :-{(

John W. Vinson[MVP]
When I change it to a textbox and run the report is asks: "Enter Paramter
Value" with ABC in the box under this request. I don't have any parameters in
my query that underlies the report. I'd really like to have the ampersand in
my report that's being converted to Rich Text Format, but its not going to
make or break me. Thanks for all the replies.

"Try using just one ampersand. It will probably display in Access with
the next letter underscored, but it should export correctly."

This works. It doesn't show the ampersand in my report view in Access, but
exports correctly.
Thanks again.

Charles G via said:
When I change it to a textbox and run the report is asks: "Enter
Paramter Value" with ABC in the box under this request. I don't have
any parameters in my query that underlies the report. I'd really like
to have the ampersand in my report that's being converted to Rich
Text Format, but its not going to make or break me. Thanks for all
the replies.

That does not happen for me. Are you sure you entered the controlsource
exactly as I posted it, quotes and all? Here it is again:


It sounds to me like you left the quotes out.
Changing it to a text box and using ="AB&C" also works. Thanks.
