Amount in words

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Is there anyway I can convert an amount in figures to words. As soon as the user enters amount in figures in the textfield "txt_amt" the amount should be converted in to words in the textfield "txt_words". Is it possible to perform such an activity?
You'll find a very nice function to convert a numeric amount to English text
at The Access Web:


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

Sahil said:

Is there anyway I can convert an amount in figures to words. As soon as
the user enters amount in figures in the textfield "txt_amt" the amount
should be converted in to words in the textfield "txt_words". Is it possible
to perform such an activity?
In the AfterUpdate event of your control "txt_Amt", insert the following:

Me!txt_words = English(Me!txt_Amt)