I Have A Motherboard with AMI BIOS ...How can i customize the BIOS
logo????? I know BIOS logo customiztion using cbrom.exe un AWARD BIOS
but in AMI how????
You need a few tools and I've forgotten which ones...
AMIMM.EXE (large logo converter), AMIOLG.EXE (small logo
converter), AMIBCP.EXE (puts logo into BIOS file).
You can probably get them all at the following link,
or Google for 'em individually as well as details towards
getting the job done- I'm not confident my memory of it is
good enough and I wouldnt' want to screw up your bios.
Which tools, and versions of a tool will work may also
depend on which AMI bios version you're dealing with- but
this is one of those details I don't remember, all I have is
the filenames of some that have/did/used-to-work.