America On Line



I recently deleted a virus in my computer. And ever since then, my AOL has been acting kinda strange. I have a cable modem and when I visit webpages, the site opens up in a matter of seconds. But now, when I try to visit one, it will take so a dial-up connection would...and it doesn't even load anything. It just stops during the middle of the loading process and my computer freezes and then I have to reboot my computer. I wrote in an earlier post that I would want to reformat my computer but I'm too afraid to take the risk because I'm not an advanced person to be doing that process. This will be the first time if I ever get to reformat my computer. Do you know if I have to reinstall Road Runner or anything?

Quentin David Jones

Greetings Tiffany,

Well, if the PC still runs,
run whatever anti-virus or spy-cleaners that you can.

Then you could try re-installing AOL.

The best bet would be to get a tech friend over to help :)


Tiffany said:
I recently deleted a virus in my computer. And ever since then, my AOL has
been acting kinda strange. I have a cable modem and when I visit webpages,
the site opens up in a matter of seconds. But now, when I try to visit one,
it will take so a dial-up connection would...and it doesn't even
load anything. It just stops during the middle of the loading process and my
computer freezes and then I have to reboot my computer. I wrote in an
earlier post that I would want to reformat my computer but I'm too afraid to
take the risk because I'm not an advanced person to be doing that process.
This will be the first time if I ever get to reformat my computer. Do you
know if I have to reinstall Road Runner or anything?


If I uninstall AOL and reinstall it, wouldn't I get another account automatically? How do I reformat? I'm getitng second thoughts now on how to reformat and everything, Please help!!!!!

Quentin David Jones

If I uninstall AOL and reinstall it, wouldn't I get another account

you should re-install with your current settings.

Installing is NOT always the same as creating an account.

How do I reformat? I'm getitng second thoughts now on how to reformat and
everything, Please help!!!!!

A re-format is a major operation (it means erasing the entire disk), the
reinstall is complex and many things can go wrong - you will have to
re-install every single program you have - not recommended.

Can you get someone over?



Okay, how do I reformat? My friend told me to just put in the recovery CD and they'll tell me what to do. But all it did was ask me what I wanted to INSTALL WINDOWS XP...when


I'm sorry about the post before that I pressed the wrong button, but as I was saying...

how do I reformat? My friend told me to just put in the recovery CD and they'll tell me what to do. But all it did was ask me what I wanted to INSTALL WINDOWS XP...when I already have it installed, right? And this other friend is telling me I have to use DOS to do it. And as for the programs, I only have the main things I need - AOL, Macromedia, Adobe, Word...but when I reformat or if I ever do, do I have to reinstall my cable modem? Even if it's not supported by AOL? It's by Road Runner.

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