John M Carter
I would like to set up my WinXPProf system so that I (as administrator) have
a Start menu (accessible from Start, All Programs, which contains
everything, but that Guests when they sign on have access only to files and
programs which I designate. Can I do this simply by deleting entries in the
Guest start menu (available when right clicking Start and selecting 'explore
all users'? Can I move/delete/amend any of these entries without fear of
messing things up? I'm not sure why but I seem to have 6 'users' with their
own settings i.e. Administrator, Administrator.------ (my computer name),
All Users, Default User, Guest, and my normal login name. Can I delete those
I don't want? Many thanks
a Start menu (accessible from Start, All Programs, which contains
everything, but that Guests when they sign on have access only to files and
programs which I designate. Can I do this simply by deleting entries in the
Guest start menu (available when right clicking Start and selecting 'explore
all users'? Can I move/delete/amend any of these entries without fear of
messing things up? I'm not sure why but I seem to have 6 'users' with their
own settings i.e. Administrator, Administrator.------ (my computer name),
All Users, Default User, Guest, and my normal login name. Can I delete those
I don't want? Many thanks