Amdxp-m2600 Ga-7vt6001394 Fsb Stuck At 132... Help!!!

Jun 25, 2005
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I got a AMD XP-M 2600 with a gigabyte 7VT600-1394 mb, 1024mb DDR400 Kingston RAM and Seagate 300gb SATA HDD. CPU is using water cooling. Also got NVidia GeForce 6800 256mb AGP Video Card. I want to make this system go fast but even after flashing the latest bios update the FSB still wont go above 132. It should go to 200. At 18 X 132 it runs at a nice temp of 29. I read the MB book and it says to run MB bus of 200 the switch must be set at on and for all others "like me who like overclocking" set to off. This switch seems to have no effect on the bios wich always says max of 132fsb no matter what my settings are. Being an XP-M chip it should be unlocked and therfor I should be able to push as hard as I like. Please help me.
unlocked chip means that the multiplier is unlocked, try reducing the multiplier and increasing th FSB
Yeah I drop the multiplyer to the 13.5 that I want but the bus still wont go past 132. I also tried using Easytune to overclock it in the windows enviroment but that just makes it crash at anything over a bus of 110. I know my chip can run at 200bus. Its just this board thats being gay. hmmm. its got me stumped.

eg 13.5 * 200 = 2700mhz would be nice
does the BIOS register it as a 2600 XP-M ? and what is the FSB of the CPU ?
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The bios does register it if its on default settings as a xp2600+ but only runs at the lower laptop speed of 600mhz. the cpu normaly runs at 166bus in laptops. I have seen reports of them runn nicely at 200bus with no probs.
the FSB is 266, so your setting of 133 is right, it may be a problem with the BIOS revision you have making it impossible to go above that