AMD vs. Intel

Apr 10, 2005
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I am currently looking at the idea of writing an essay on this topic. I was just after facts aswell as personal reasons for your choice and your experiences of each. Obviously i will be trying to keep the essay balanced even though im an AMD man myself.

Thanks for your help

I am currently looking at the idea of writing an essay on this topic
Don't bother, find another idea ... there is nothing between them these days, although AMD are ahead of the race. ;)

Oh, and AMD are cheaper.

Essay Idea 1

Off the shelf ... V ... Self Built

... :D
Rush said:
AMD for games

Intel for applications

Just about hit the nail on the head.

I like my intel, but then I rarely play games, and i do lots of video and music encoding (which is where Intels are best) :)
muckshifter said:
Don't bother, find another idea ... there is nothing between them these days, although AMD are ahead of the race. ;)

Oh, and AMD are cheaper.

Essay Idea 1

Off the shelf ... V ... Self Built

... :D

Is there really much to write about off the shelf v self build? I had thought at giving a brief background for each company, the differences between the processors and why people make the choices they do.

I am open to ideas though and i will consider it, thanks mucks.
Intel v AMD

Currently AMD Athlon 64 3800 Venice 939 pin CPU does everything I want it to do, decided on it as it was cheaper than Intel and had 64bit CPU, ready to run 64bit programmes & software. CPU performs all tasks given to it well and does perform all day for crunching so no problems.

Up until going to AMD I had always used Intel, I did find them when making the change to be more expensive for the same speed, but the chips have gone down in price. Last year when I bought, AMD seemed to have a more aggressive approach to selling their CPU's than Intel.

I do like the Intel Centrino and the changes that has made to the market, have you had a look at both Intel’s & AMD’s sites to get idea's as well:thumb:
Wot about Apple then? :D

Oh, hang on, they're using Intel chips soon, aren't they...

Pros and cons for both Intel and AMD, but I've never liked Intel's somewhat dishonest marketing campaign, their brief disastrous flirtation with having to use a special kind of RAM and the fact they were, and maybe are, in bed with Bill Gates.

Around 6 years ago, AMD were seen as the underdogs, the cheap and cheerful alternative to the Intel Corporate empire.

My, how AMD have grown :) And with very little advertising as well.
Just an update, im going to start the essay this week with 2 weeks to complete it. Just a brief outline:

  1. Intro about the essay.
  2. Info about processors in general.
  3. Background info about Intel.
  4. Background info about AMD.
  5. The rivalry between them including the lawsuits and marketing etc also why companies such as dell only sell intel etc.
  6. What type of processor is better for certain tasks e.g gaming, video editing etc and why (i would have to compare each processor type or just compare all AMD's against Intel's ?)
  7. The current and future processors/technology for each company.
  8. Conclusion summing up the competition between the two and what effect it has on the IT community.
What do you think? Any important issues i have left out? The essay is 2500 words so im not too sure if i will fit everything in.

Any suggestions would be great.

Sounds like the essay will certainly make a interesting read, but will require much research on your part.
Still at least the essay seems to be on a subject that personally interests you, which always helps.
Good look stuartw101
I shouldn't have to go into too much detail. I have a few links to articles etc so i think it should be fine.

PS. You can call me stuart ;)
Is there a way to find a list of partners of comapnies AMD and Intel supply processors to and any exclusive deals?

Email both companies, explain what your doing you never know they may help.

Some companies seen to only deal with one of them, Dell seem to only deal with Intel.
Finally finished my essay and handed in today, took 2 days to do lol. The quality won't eb as good as what it would have been if i had planned betetr but aslong as i pass thats what matters.
Good luck Stuart will pass with flying colours m8 :thumb:
Thanks for your help guys. Not my best effort but hopefully will be enough to pass as the 1st year thats all you need to do.