ykhan said:
Rob Stow said:Can't quite understand why Intel wouldn't simply kill
off the P4 and use the Pentium M to compete with AMD.
Comparable clock-for-clock performance using 40% as much
power. Put an on-chip memory controller into Dothan
and give it the 64 bit x86-64 extensions and it would
probably be a real Opteron killer.
On-chip RAM controller is apparently not going to be ready till 2007,
last I read. Hell, it took AMD about two years to integrate the memory
otherwise Opteron/Athlon 64 would've been out about two
years ago. Even with the memory controller, P-M still wouldn't have
the Hypertransport, so no answer to Opteron yet, but it might be a
compelling competitor to Athlon 64.
On-chip RAM controller is apparently not going to be ready till 2007,
last I read.
Hell, it took AMD about two years to integrate the memory
controller, otherwise Opteron/Athlon 64 would've been out about two
years ago.
Even with the memory controller, P-M still wouldn't have
the Hypertransport, so no answer to Opteron yet, but it might be a
compelling competitor to Athlon 64.
If that is indeed the case, what in the hell is taking Intel so
long?!?! It's not like they don't know how to build a memory
keith said:I find this simply *amazing*!!
I highly doubt that took all of two years. Come on, Yousuf! It's a damned
*memory controller*! What? a few tens of thousand gates and a few I/O?
I don't see HT as being a lynchpin. Indeed the only reason it's
interesting is because of the integrated memory controller.
Tony Hill said:If that is indeed the case, what in the hell is taking Intel so
long?!?! It's not like they don't know how to build a memory
controller! Certainly it seems that integrating the memory controller
on the CPU die has been proven to be the way forward. Intel is now
pretty much the only company that has not done so yet.
Err, the Opteron was out more than a year and a half ago. Not quite
two years yet, but it's getting pretty close.
Once Intel finally gets around to integrating a memory controller
on-die, it no longer makes sense to have a traditional processor bus,
so I would imagine that they'll have a hypertransport-like solution.
I'm guessing that they won't use Hypertransport itself, but probably
something that is very similar. They've already got their
"Accelerated Hub Architecture" bus and PCI-Express as potential
candidates to base such a design off of.
George Macdonald said:Hmmm, could it be that the road-map has become more important than the err,
road? Of course it would also involve a generous helping of crow, I'd say.
It's certainly going to be interesting to see how they spin it? If this is
how they arrive at the unified Itanium/x86 system architecture, it seems a
bit flat to me.![]()
Let's face it, we totally forget how much headache AMD went through,
designing all of these things quietly in the wilderness. It took a lot
of PR lumps from Intel for not responding to every little Pentium 4
speed increment or feature with an equivalent Athlon XP feature or
increment. It's now AMD's turn to laugh -- it's built up a huge lead
on Intel.
Well, I'm sure the original design was done fairly quickly, but then
they probably had a lot of tweaking and retuning, testing and validation
to do. Testing it out on low-quality ram, etc.
Plus, this type of memory controller has never been done before,
something operating at the speed of the processor that is. All
chipset-based ram controllers were operating in the 100's of Mhz range,
this one has to operate at several Ghz.
Not so much on a single-processor Athlon 64, sure, but quite a lynchpin
in a multiprocessor Opteron setting.
Well, a memory controller operating out of a chipset only has to
operate at several hundred Mhz. One operating out of a CPU will be
operating at several Ghz (especially if it's inside a P4 which was
designed to do nothing but Ghz).
I was talking about the amount of time that the design spent being
implemented prior to release.
I was thinking not so much about I/O demands as I was for multiprocessor
Well, a memory controller operating out of a chipset only has to
operate at several hundred Mhz. One operating out of a CPU will be
operating at several Ghz (especially if it's inside a P4 which was
designed to do nothing but Ghz).
Isn't the Itanium bus supposed to be yet another shared bus too, just
like Pentium's bus? How exactly will it be able to compete against
It would be a rather crappy connection without the integrated memory
controller. That is, a northbridge hanging off HT would be a disaster.
David Wang said:1. Getting things to run slower isn't a problem. As long as
it's not orders of magnitude slower, to the point that dynamic
circuits stop working. Your thoughts about why Intel has not
integrated a memory controller into the P4 line does not have
a good basis in reality.
2. Intel has integrated memory controllers into several of its
products. Take a look at the StrongArm-ne-XScale lines.
3. Intel had previously designed an x86 processor with an integrated
controller, and not just a regular old SDRAM-variant memory
controller, but the nasty Rambus controller. Timna.
keith said:I look at it entirely differently. Intel *has* DRAM controller expertise.
They *have* the tools they need. Where are they? Intel has more than
three engineers in a basement, eating mold, somehwere. Five years to port
a DRAM controller?
Oh, come on! They *have* that expertise. Thre is something fishy here
(likely, stinky pointy-haired fish). NIH is a bitch!
Oh crap, Yousuf! The FSB doesn't run at the core frequency either. I
don't seeee this as any issue at all. Processor technology is the
bleeding edge.
It would be a rather crappy connection without the integrated memory
controller. That is, a northbridge hanging off HT would be a disaster.
Still requires a lot of field testing before it can be released. And
it would need to be able to work even on the cheapest no-name brand
DIMMs. With the tremendous speed differential between the memory
controller and the DIMMs that it controls, it's bound to find some
cheapo brands that don't quite live upto their advertised SPID
ratings, so getting to the appropriate conservative fudge factors
would take some empirical testing.
Processors that run in the Mhz ranges not the Ghz ranges. Plus they
aren't even from the same architecture family as x86 processors. In a
modern context metaphor, it's like saying Intel should be able to come
up with a dual-core P4 fast because they are almost ready to make
dual-core Itaniums -- no relationship whatsoever between them.
That processor was still-born, it was never released. For all we know
those engineers that worked on the project later became hdtv chip
designers or something.![]()
Besides, it was based on a Pentium 3 core, when those things were just
barely entering the Ghz range. It's likely that Timna was still in the
Mhz ranges at that time. What I'm trying to say here is that Intel and
many other chipset manufacturers have years upon years of experience
creating memory controllers in the Mhz ranges, the increments in FSB
speeds have been kept under tight control for years, seeing doublings
only every two or three years at most, not every year like with the
CPUs themselves.
As for Rambus, wasn't that supposed to be one of easier controllers to
build? I could swear I heard rumblings that the reason Rambus was
being pushed by Intel was because it simplified the process of
designing the timings and interfaces to the RAM, since most of the
control was onboard the RIMM itself. Much like what FB-DIMMs are
supposed to do soon. The only thing nasty about the Rambus was when
they tried to create a chipset that could translate RAMBUS commands
into SDRAM commands.
keith said:Why? I don't understand your logic at all! The FSB of a 3+GHz
processor runs at the mid-hundreds of MHz sorts of rates.
So Intel sat on their thumbs until, err next July, before deciding that an
integrated memory controller was a good thing? Amazing.
There are other ways to skin that cat. INtel's shared bus isn't
necessarily the best one.
Isn't the Itanium bus supposed to be yet another shared bus too, just
like Pentium's bus? How exactly will it be able to compete against
Yes, an external FSB would run in the mid-hundreds of Mhz. But in an
Opteron there is no traditional FSB, the memory links directly to the
CPU, not the chipset. The memory controller in the CPU would be
running at the speed of the CPU, and it would synchronize to the (much
slower) DIMM interfaces using wait states -- lots of wait states,
considering the huge difference in speed between the memory controller
and DIMM.
This is no different than what a traditional FSB-based memory
controller would need to do too if it were working with sub-optimal
RAM. For example a system with an 800 Mhz controller would have to add
a certain number wait states if it were working with 533Mhz RAM, and
even more wait states if it were working with 400Mhz RAM. But the
chipset has the advantage that it rarely ever changes its frequency
within a generation, it will stay at 800Mhz until it replaced by the
next generation which itself will stay at its designated original
frequency because of the FSB. The CPU however, could be going from
1.8Ghz to 2.6Ghz within a generation, and the internal memory
controller would have to take that into account.
Maybe not July, they may have decided a /few/ months earlier than
that.Prior to that they were quite satisfied with a chipset-based
memory controller, and saw no reason to change from that. They didn't
think the onboard controller was really that much of a threat.
This is simply a situation with somebody being caught with their pants
down, pure and simple.
Yes, exactly, that's why AMD came up with the HT bus.