AMD Dual-Core Optimizer....


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Can be found here

Anyone use it? Is it any good?

Been reading on and off all day, some say good some say bad...what say you?

Advice please. :)
Well, I read the short introducer blurb and I would agree ...

"... can help improve some PC gaming video performance by compensating for those applications that bypass the Windows API for timing by directly using the RDTSC (Read Time Stamp Counter) instruction."

and ...

"The AMD Dual-Core Optimizer helps to correct the resulting video performance effects or other incorrect timing effects that these applications may experience on dual-core processor systems, by periodically adjusting the core time-stamp-counters, so that they are synchronized."

Software is playing catch-up ... you waste your money buying a 64 bit OS, even Linux, until they finally build-in instruction that can use the hardware.

It looks like AMD are trying to "help" you get more out of your hardware ... as with any software, especially one that claims to offer optimization, the end users experience will be different. What can work well for one person may be absolute crap for another.

Tis just logical ... Mr Spock, signing off.

Cheers Mucks,

I was hoping to find someone who's used it here but i guess no one has.

Oh well i wont worry about it, its running fine without it. :)