AMD CPU price drop in July (possibly)

Feb 26, 2003
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Hey'all, I just read on a couple of IT news sites that AMD processor prices are (according to a 'reliable' source) to be cut again in July. This would be expected as they are starting to bring out dual-core chips and higher end ones on newer cores etc.

If anyone's out there speccing up a system, it might be worth holding on a little while to buy just as the prices drop, rather than buying now. It's always difficult to wait if you've got your heart set on a faster PC, but the price drops can be very might find you could get a much faster chip for the same budget.:thumb:
alrite heres my question


why is this?

why why why

i really hate that question
it can ALWAYS be asked
psd99 said:
alrite heres my question


why is this?

why why why

i really hate that question
it can ALWAYS be asked

Try reading a little slower, mon ami ;)

This would be expected as they are starting to bring out dual-core chips and higher end ones on newer cores etc.
psd99 said:
alrite heres my question


why is this?

why why why
dont ask

i wonder how much they will drop in price, as i have been looking for a new CPU/motherboard
hopefully it will be about 25% off :rolleyes:
They're gradually pushing socket A down and out, to make socket 754 64bit the 'budget' chip. Eventually socket 754 and 939 are being phased out as they are playing around with a whole range of new 'cores'. I would expect there to be quite a drop at the top end in the next couple of months, with some smaller price reductions making the 3700 and 3800 much closer to the current 3500. I'd be happy to wait until July to grab a 3800 for under £200.:) Or even a 64/4000 on a San Diego core for, say, £ that would be nice:cool:
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